Music and sleeping

Mostly classical or gregorian chant. I used to listen to Agalloch to sleep, but more recently it has been Empyrium, Summoning, Ulver or Nest. Isafjord is also good.
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk is a great album to listen to while falling asleep...

Also, Ocean Machine by Devin Townsend is perfect, except the scream at the end of Things Beyond Things always wakes me up. I read somewhere that Devin intentionally put it in there to keep people from falling asleep while driving. Bloody genius!!!
I rarely sleep with music on and have a hard time falling asleep with the TV on.

If I fall asleep with music on I really never fall asleep, between being awake and being asleep and I have very very strange dreams.
Christie_fell said:
Mostly classical or gregorian chant. I used to listen to Agalloch to sleep, but more recently it has been Empyrium, Summoning, Ulver or Nest. Isafjord is also good.
That's a lot like me.
I also like Karl Sanders' Saurian Meditation and October Falls' Marras and Tuoni.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I go to sleep to music almost every night. It can be just about anything but folky stuff is good. Although The Gathering has helped me get to sleep countless times.

The day you went away.. you had to screw me over
I live in a small apartment and my computer is constantly playing albums through iTunes. I use shuffle by album so I hit the sack with whatever it playing. I only sleep 4-5 hours max per night though.

Laltely some of my favourite bands to listen to in bed/trying to sleep are Agalloch, Alarum, Ayreon, Devin Townsend, Miles Davis and Opeth..but it's all a matter of luck really (because 90% of the time I just have album shuffle on) and I'm usually in the mood for anything anyway.