Music video for "the Day and then the shade"

What in gods holy fucking hell was that?


How is Katatonia suppose to get noticed via the tv/internet market with a goofy video like this? Katatonia do not deserve this treatment...if it was up to me I'd say don't even do any music videos...waste of time and money.
I was that excited to watch the video I didn't get a look at who made it. Took me about 3 secs to relise its a lassie video.

In what could have been a small breakthrough for the band has now be ruined. Thankyou Lassie!
A fan video could be better than that. As Noituudenaika said, let's do something better. If someone here knows about making videos and so he/she could try to do something better. I'm sure it's not so difficult taking Hoile's video as level reference.

that's not a bad idea...
Hoooly shit, that's a terrible video. Makes The Grand Conjuration video look top notch. I wish they would do a video that has more to do with the album art concept. I disagree with some of the others here in that I thought the TGCD videos were good in that respect.
Ok really I think they should either make like an alternative or challenge us to do better.

Or crap it ad not do any more vids.

By the way that fav song we vote for DONT GO ruin IT WITH ANOTHER CRAP vid!
Fuck it. Go back to Charlie. At least the My Twin video had a little to do with the band and a semi story kind of thing behind it. The Deliberation video had some cool stuff going on in it...

But this....this is pure crap.

How the fuck do you settle for such nonsense?
NOOOOOO. if this represents katatonia.. nooooooo.
this is major fail.
i don't even have the words for this >.>

it looks like some weird cradle of filth video.
with freaky goth chicks.

Im glad everybody feels this way about the video. When i first watched it my jaw was literally agape at the amount of fail. I posted it here cause i love you all so much :P :P :P

Maybe the label is trying to market katatonia to the shit emo/scene crowd? i may or may not kill somebody if thats the case.
Wow, oh shit that video was just sad. Unbelievably over the top & zero subtlety, the only things I saw were goth chicks rubbing their throbbing vaginas in trees, some hi tech black plasma puking from a chick, epilepsy, random bugs and general b-movie silliness . It really is a shame, because this song is wonderful and holds a big place in my heart already, but goddamnit, that video didn't need to be so...bad I guess.

Also, lololol at the ''i have slept'' part. THE CHICK TAKES A 2 SECONDS NAP THERE lmaoo, c'mon.
it's just...

Katatonia for me ever since Discouraged Ones has never been set in a 'natural' environment. To me, every album from DO on tells their story in an urban setting. The last three videos before this... thing... were much better. I wasn't a fan of the My Twin vid, but the other two, especially July, were kickass.

It is clear they chose the director they chose because of his mainstream work and renown.

KATATONIA hit success through the stories in their music, NOT the music video market. Stop trying to sell a band like Kata as some cookie cutter goth/vampire/grim in a forest act. That would have worked from Brave Murder Day and before, but it's a different beast now.


The boys said it themselves, this album is more about the struggles of everyday life than any kind of artistic motive, this is their most 'honest' album, and you really expect me to sit here and watch a music video of one of these 'honest' songs and try to relate to it [like every other album they've released from DO on] while you're telling me that a bunch of tree humping twilight goth chicks crawling around through the forest and playing with bugs is an appropriate visual for not only a song off this album but the first single????

BRB i'm gonna go remove my spleen with a spork and film it. It's going to be the new video for Departer. And it'll make more sense too.