Music video

My picture probably raises red flags of my theology/liturgy/church history geekiness. I keep seeing it as Matt and the band performing and watching Luther during three symbolic moments, with the video cutting between them: Luther walking to the door of the church in Wittenburg to nail the theses, Luther walking into and speaking in his famous audience with Johann Eck during the Diet of Worms ("Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason..."), and the Gospel procession of a liturgy in which Luther is reading from one of those big Gospel books. It looks really cool in my head, but I'm not sure that I can make it sound anything other than lame in text :-P

EDIT: Upon further thought, "Altar to the Uknown God" might make for a pretty cool video as well.
Forget as the world bleeds, let's just have them do the song Mirror Of Souls.

In all seriousness, I can see Mirror of Souls being translated to visual media. Not as music video, but as a short film. Something based on the lyrics of the song. Perhaps some excerpts from the song could be added here and there, and Matt could compose some instrumental pieces along the same lines for specific scenes.

Wishful thinking I know, but I think it has potential.
In all seriousness, I can see Mirror of Souls being translated to visual media. Not as music video, but as a short film. Something based on the lyrics of the song. Perhaps some excerpts from the song could be added here and there, and Matt could compose some instrumental pieces along the same lines for specific scenes.

Wishful thinking I know, but I think it has potential.

Why not a full length movie?
Just start with the 20 minutes we already have and let's go from there.
I seriously see the potential for it to become a great movie.

and then the music video could be bonus material :rock:
That could be good too, I guess. However, I was thinking more in terms of a short film because it's more achievable and easier to make true to the story in the song. A feature-length film would require a lot of additional plot, which might or might not be a good thing. Still, that's an intriguing thought.
Yeah I talked with my dad about that a few months ago. Im pretty sure he believes mirror of souls would make a great movie as well. I know I think so!
I think "Altar To The Unknown God" would be the best choice. It features everything we like about Theocracy. Big vocals, solo's, catchy riffs and it's the most mainstream appealing song on the album in my opinion.
I'd like to see "Laying the Demon to Rest" as a music could craft some nasty looking CGI demons and have Matt and Val fight them with broken swords, and when that doesn't work, they whip them with their awesome hair.

I'd like to see "Laying the Demon to Rest" as a music video...

Funny you should mention that...I was thinking something along those same lines after I posted. I'd have no problems with Theocracy making a video from MoS instead of AtWB.
I'd like to see "Laying the Demon to Rest" as a music could craft some nasty looking CGI demons and have Matt and Val fight them with broken swords, and when that doesn't work, they whip them with their awesome hair.

I'm not sure if that's perfectly in line with what the song is actually about. Don't get me wrong, the idea is pretty appealing, but isn't LTDTR a cry for help to God rather than us kicking all those demon butts ourselves? I recall "You (God) will have to fight for me today" and "Father come, and lay the demon to rest". As I think this song's lyrical intend is pretty serious, it might 'just not fit', if you know what I mean...

(Though it would be a perfect music vid for Stryper's 'To Hell With The Devil':lol:)