Musician's thread

my punkband played a show lastnight
We played with 2 hardcore bands
Each band had a guitar player with a Mesa Dual Rec and a Mesa 4x12
The tone was fucking terrible!!!
$2500-3000 rig and it sounded like ass.
People dont know tone.
I may be contributing some verses to a buddy's rap project. If it takes off I may make some beats and do my own songs. I'm excited.

This is happening. The beat has been chosen and I believe I record my verse this weekend.

A song about Party House. Its gonna be awesome.
My soundcloud. I haven't done anything in a while, but I mostly do electronic shit because I don't have any equipment that can record guitar or vocals.
Pic of my kit. Added a second crash cymbal today

When I was just starting playing I felt badass and got the Vic Firth 2B nylon head sticks, just because it was saying "rock" in description, hahaha... Man, I barely could handle those, experienced ppl were laughing at me just because of how I looked with them, although I'm not that tiny or anything. I switched to 7A then... A lot of drum sticks I have from known metal band drummers are like 5A, I rarely see 2Bs among them.
I'm just learning though. I also have the SD10 which is a 5B but maple. I prefer that the most because of texture but yeah. I'm sure I'll start experimenting with sticks soon.
Drum sticks? I just use whatever stick I find laying around. Fucking could be wooden spoons for all I care.

I pretty much learned to play drums by playing along to Agalloch, Cianide, and Reverend Bizarre.