Musician's thread

A friend of mine asked me to play in a punk band he started recently and I went and tried out last night. They were super happy. They've got 5 songs ready and more ideas on the go. Singer is a girl and she's got a mean scream. Was heaps of fun. Playing with a pick takes a bit of getting used to but I'm getting the hang of it. I'll be jamming on Monday nights from now on and once we've got another 4 or 5 songs we'll start gigging. Feels good man.
I started completing a really basic home studio and I'm missing a bassguitar at this point. Fucking going through some shit everyday. I'm a cheap bastard but I need it to be fucking on fleak even in the higher registers. Currently thinking about this one but it's quite costly.

Yo Krig, what part of Illinois?

I moved here to Springfield about 2 years ago or so.

I play mostly Doom/Sludge/Punk-Metal stuff. I'm also working on a Dungeon Synth and Doom-influenced Black Metal project with my girl that will come in time.
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A friend of mine asked me to play in a punk band he started recently and I went and tried out last night. They were super happy. They've got 5 songs ready and more ideas on the go. Singer is a girl and she's got a mean scream. Was heaps of fun. Playing with a pick takes a bit of getting used to but I'm getting the hang of it. I'll be jamming on Monday nights from now on and once we've got another 4 or 5 songs we'll start gigging. Feels good man.
This is still happening, we've got 9 songs now and will be ready for gigs in about a month or so. We're also looking at recording asap.
Nice! I wouldn't have guessed he used a Rat, but considering the clarity of his tone I guess it makes sense that he uses a guitar fuzz pedal instead of a bass one. I love how an imitation of his whole rig could be bought for less than $600.

Using bass pedals with guitars can have pretty neat effects too. Buzz Osbourne used a Boss Bass Overdrive in his rig for years, if he doesn't still today.
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Nice! I wouldn't have guessed he used a Rat, but considering the clarity of his tone I guess it makes sense that he uses a guitar fuzz pedal instead of a bass one. I love how an imitation of his whole rig could be bought for less than $600.
Yeah that’s what got me. Shitty Japanese Jazz copy, a couple of pedals and whatever amp makes a reasonable noise and away you go apparently. I guess it comes down to the player and how good they are at experimenting with different gear. I’ve always been pretty bad at trying out new sounds. I bought a bass big muff and it’s ok but only if the distortion is kept really low. It gets really farty really easily. Good for minimal crunch but that’s about it. I’m thinking of trying a Sans Amp distortion next.

Using bass pedals with guitars can have pretty neat effects too. Buzz Osbourne used a Boss Bass Overdrive in his rig for years, if he doesn't still today.
Hah, that doesn’t surprise me given that fatness of his tone. I’ve been talking to a few people lately and I’m hearing a lot of stuff about using bass gear for guitar and vice versa.
Yeah that’s what got me. Shitty Japanese Jazz copy, a couple of pedals and whatever amp makes a reasonable noise and away you go apparently. I guess it comes down to the player and how good they are at experimenting with different gear. I’ve always been pretty bad at trying out new sounds. I bought a bass big muff and it’s ok but only if the distortion is kept really low. It gets really farty really easily. Good for minimal crunch but that’s about it. I’m thinking of trying a Sans Amp distortion next.

Hah, that doesn’t surprise me given that fatness of his tone. I’ve been talking to a few people lately and I’m hearing a lot of stuff about using bass gear for guitar and vice versa.

I cut me teeth on used, cheap equipment. Nothing I bought after the age of 15 was over the price of $300 (unless you combined different pieces of the amp together, i.e., preamp, cab; also guitar parts/accessories), and I always found it fun to try and make it sound good with its own voice (this usually just involved turning the amp settings, especially EQ, all up to 10). I've got a super fun 30" or 32" 1969 Japanese Univox Hi-Flier bass that I did some recordings on when I was younger and my main guitar now is a 1979 Japanese Memphis MG-300 neck-thru (with quite a few modifications) that sounds sick.

Yeah, it's a pretty easy trick if you want to imitate his tone. The key to his setup though is his amp. Sunn Beta Leads are one of a kind. A buddy of mine used to have one. But yeah with guitar and bass gear, when I had all of my old bass and guitar amps, I used to love to switch them around and try different effects on them. I had this old 400W solid-state monster of a bass amp that sounded great with a guitar through it. I could get a good Eyehategod tone with it. Any time an amp has a channel on it with four knobs that are labelled "Gain," "Distortion", "Fuzz", and "Blend" you can't go wrong.
I cut me teeth on used, cheap equipment. Nothing I bought after the age of 15 was over the price of $300 (unless you combined different pieces of the amp together, i.e., preamp, cab; also guitar parts/accessories), and I always found it fun to try and make it sound good with its own voice (this usually just involved turning the amp settings, especially EQ, all up to 10). I've got a super fun 30" or 32" 1969 Japanese Univox Hi-Flier bass that I did some recordings on when I was younger and my main guitar now is a 1979 Japanese Memphis MG-300 neck-thru (with quite a few modifications) that sounds sick.
I was pretty lucky I guess, my Dad always had good gear laying around the house and when I started playing bass I was loaned an early 70’s Maton B-250 which played beautifully but I hated because it didn’t look metal enough. I’d have it in a heartbeat now, they’re rare as hell also. As soon as I could save the money I bought a BC Rich Warlock in blackest black. At some point I stumbled across the Russian Luthier that sold me the two custom 5-strings that I still have.

Yeah, it's a pretty easy trick if you want to imitate his tone. The key to his setup though is his amp. Sunn Beta Leads are one of a kind. A buddy of mine used to have one. But yeah with guitar and bass gear, when I had all of my old bass and guitar amps, I used to love to switch them around and try different effects on them. I had this old 400W solid-state monster of a bass amp that sounded great with a guitar through it. I could get a good Eyehategod tone with it. Any time an amp has a channel on it with four knobs that are labelled "Gain," "Distortion", "Fuzz", and "Blend" you can't go wrong.
Where did you hear he uses a Sunn Beta Lead? There's nothing about that in the article. It basically says he doesn't have a preference for amps but he's used a lot of Gallien-Kruger and Ampeg stuff.
I had an Ampeg solid state 70's head for years that I wish I hadn't sold. It had 4 knobs on the front (vol, bass, mid, treble) and it was heavier than my 4x10 cab. At the time I wanted more 'modern tones' so I bought the Hartke 350 watt head that I still have. It's been a good workhorse but I'd like to get a new amp at some point soon.

I did not. We had differences of opinion on the direction of the band that couldn't be reconciled. I have a new project going with a friend who is like minded in musical pursuits and wants to play heavier stuff.
Well cool I guess, I hope the new project happens.