My big misanthropic thread.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Since people are posting their views on humanity, I thought I might as well make my feelings on the subject clear, and kill some time in the process.

I generally don't agree with Misanthrope's views on life, however I found that one thing we do agree on is: People are selfish hatemongers.

In my life time I've been harrassed, spat at, cursed, told I'm an evil mistake of nature who deserves nothing more than a slow and agonizing death. My own family couldn't care less about me, and most people I've met hated me off the bat, without knowing my name, my personality, or my thoughts. Simply because I am different. Because I'm gay. I've been betrayed by friends, and have even had my life threatened.

But why? I often wondered. The only thing I desire is a happy life. A simple, happy life where I work and recreate like everyone else. I'll tell you why. As cliche as this statement is, it's still true: People fear what they don't understand, and they hate what they fear. That's why.

And so, I've simply given up on the human spirit. All humans are evil, they merely hide it behind self-righteous morality, ignorance, and the arrogant presumption that they know what is good and evil, natural and unnatural. I still can't bring myself to hate humanity, because they can't help it, which is why I don't consider myself a misanthropist. I can only feel great sadness and sometimes pity.

I've also given up on such concepts as friendship, caring, decency, and love. All of these things are delusions and lies. They don't exist... well they do, but it is born from human selfishness. People are only decent when it is fashionable, acceptable. They only love when it's convenient for them. I've stopped looking for friendship and love, and I no longer care if I gain those things. It is simply an impossibility.

But don't get me wrong. Unlike Misanthrope, I don't enjoy thinking this way and knowing the impossibility of true friendship and love. I never asked to be hated, I never wanted to loose faith in humanity, and sometimes I wish I could be in love, as I think of it, and have friends. But given the people's examples of intolerance and selfishness, again, and again, and again, ad nauseum, I am always reminded of how fuckin hypocritical, hateful, and selfish they are.

I know that I am human, and thus just as selfish, however unlike everyone else I don't hide it behind a shroud of self-righeousness, goodness, and biblical love. People are so fuckin afraid of being "evil" for hating like they do that they twist the words of their imaginary God to give validation to their hatred, and thus can hate as much as they want with a clean conscience. How fucking pathetic is that?

...I realize that I've gotten a little emotional and started ranting, so I'm going to stop here. That's my big misanthropic thread.
Originally posted by Belial
As cliche as this statement is, it's still true: People fear what they don't understand, and they hate what they fear. That's why.
I absolutely agree with you.

But then you write...

Originally posted by Belial
And so, I've simply given up on the human spirit. All humans are evil.
Try again. You don't hate many of the people here, do you?

I've come to a different conclusion, a rather elitist one, I admit, but hell, it seems to be true: Most people are dumb. Not evil -- dumb.

You just said people don't like what they don't understand. So the fact that so many people dislike you shows that they don't understand you, not that they're evil.

I'm not defending them at all. They're absolutely stupid. The basic human emotions and qualities that you have shouldn't be that hard to understand.

But rather than taking such a defeatist view, why not just strive to find intelligent people in this world? There are some out there, many of them on this board. And why give up on love? Is it so hard to imagine that there could be an intelligent gay man out there for you?
And so, I've simply given up on the human spirit. All humans are evil, they merely hide it behind self-righteous morality, ignorance, and the arrogant presumption that they know what is good and evil, natural and unnatural.

I am not evil.
I am not evil.
I am not evil.
I am not evil.

You might see this as more sympathetic posturing, but I always respected you lot's Belial. I think you're intelligent and.....I just like you. Well, that sounded stupid, but maybe I still got my point acrossed.

Did I?
Hey Belial,

Even though I argue often in the other direction, I got to stop and think: What actually are my feelings about this? my truest feelings?

But then a second question comes up: Does it matter what I feel? I don't live by feelings but by a sense of obligation I have- not to anything.. to no one but myself. It has nothing to with feelings. I rarely directly clash with "the people". I have goals in my life and I get preoccupied with this. A part of these goals that I have involve persuasion- getting people attuned to the way I see things and imposing upon them my idea of how they should see things. It's an argument and it's difficult but it's not fruitless. Everything I do and breathe consists in defeating this difference there is. Why would I voice out against racism? or homophobia? the plethora of everything I believe is wrong about the world if I thought it was valueless to do so? It's an intrinsic aspect of the human condition. I don't sulk by the fact that i have to deal with imperfections at all. I merely have made a life out of dealing with them- this doesn't mean ignoring all that's flawed about the world, or idly steaming over them simply because they exist; I don't merely tolerate these, I address them, and the biggest point is: who doesn't have to? Why else are 99% percent of all people in varying degrees in varying ways UNhappy? We all have our "significant toils" (Frost). I have my problems- the list is quite huge believe me- you have yours, Misanthrope has his, metalmancpa has his, etc. We all have our dreams and that suffering (at least I do) because I really don't know what my future is at this moment, but the point: I'm working on it.

And what's this about selfishness? I wrote this elsewhere but just because something is "selfish" doesn't on this count make it bad. Indeed all things are selfish- I am too. Aristotle- to drop names- wrote that the most selfish man in this world- do you know who he is?- the most selfish (wo)man is the guy (girl) who seeks to be good, because it is the greatest thing.

blah. (I don't know why I'm posting this- it seems full of crap if you ask me. hehe)
Originally posted by E V I L
And what's this about selfishness? I wrote this elsewhere but just because something is "selfish" doesn't on this count make it bad. Indeed all things are selfish- I am too. Aristotle- to drop names- wrote that the most selfish man in this world- do you know who he is?- the most selfish (wo)man is the guy (girl) who seeks to be good, because it is the greatest thing.

I was thinking about this, and I came to a conclusion: All people do things for something in return. I'm not talking about materialistic bull. I'm talking about "good feeling", satisfaction, pride. If I dedicate some time to volunteer, I'm doing it because it makes me feel good, gives me pride. If I save a cat from a tree, I feel good about helping the owner/the cat. The exchange is: give time/help, receive good feelings.

*I hope you understand what I tried to say..I should as hell didn't :p

I agree with Lina on this, so I wont comment any further.

What I dont understand in the metal community is this, though : the constant christian-bashing. Heh, its not the first time I talk about this on this forum, so before you put any judgement on me (do I care ? well, probably... anyway) : Im agnostic, as most people in the city where I live (Quebec City, Canada). Just a simple question to you all : are there that many christian fanatics in your hometown ? It seems so, because (almost) everyone here on UM is talking like they are constantly harrassed by them. I find it hard to believe that there are so many remnants of this religion in the western world. The only christians I have seen here are : people of the age of my grand-parents (profoundly christians), my parents age (remotely christians... Im baptized, but never was forced to go to church), and one single girl of my age, who, despite her beliefs, never was that fanatical or never preached to me aboout how good her God was or how wrong I was.

I mean, come on : some ideas of the catholic religion (like so many others anyway) are good. As social creatures, we owe each other respect and honnesty, blah blah blah, you know the routine. You dont have to be a believer to trust this, of course, thats how I try to act with everybody, everyday, and they give back what I give them, for the most part at least, and as I said, Im agnostic.

I just dont see the urge to instantly blame everything on religion, even if it does have weak points... read the newspapers and youll see all sorts of skirmishes and murders provoked by differences in beliefs. Thats sad, cause its not the fault of the religions per se, its the humans intolerance to difference, as it was approximately said before on this thread.

Being intolerant to religion because you are not a believer just doesnt help ; in a sense, your making your own (un)holy war. Thats how I see things.

Hmmm.... it shows that I just woke up :) Look at me, all paternalistic with blood-shot eyes.
Originally posted by Blue Moon
I find it hard to believe that there are so many remnants of this religion in the western world.

Remnants? Christianity practically controls America. Almost everyone I've met has been Christian, and almost every other religion is a minority compared to them.

And I have been and still am harrassed by Christians. I have nothing against Christianity as a religon, it's the fanatics that are the problem. It's because of their influence that America has a two-steps-back-one-step-forward approach to tolerance and freedom. They are why I will never be able to get married or have equal job security, or equal rights in general, and why I have to put up with so much BULLSHIT all the time.

Which I guess is why I have a bit of a grudge against Christian fanatics. Still, as I said, I have no problems with Christianity itself and the people who generally follow that faith. Only those who take up arms against civil freedoms in favor of their Christian "Morality".
Originally posted by Lina
Try again. You don't hate many of the people here, do you?

Of course I don't.

I've come to a different conclusion, a rather elitist one, I admit, but hell, it seems to be true: Most people are dumb. Not evil -- dumb.

You just said people don't like what they don't understand. So the fact that so many people dislike you shows that they don't understand you, not that they're evil.

I'm not defending them at all. They're absolutely stupid. The basic human emotions and qualities that you have shouldn't be that hard to understand.

I guess, but it still gets really frustrating when absolutely no one understands you, and some even hate you. It's a lot to put up with on a daily basis, and sometimes it seems like that's all their is to people.

But rather than taking such a defeatist view, why not just strive to find intelligent people in this world? There are some out there, many of them on this board. And why give up on love? Is it so hard to imagine that there could be an intelligent gay man out there for you?

I hope so, but it seems that most gay men are only interested in is sex and refuse to aknowledge you if you don't look like a fuckin magazine model (sound familiar?).

To be honest, this forum is the first place I've seen intelligant, open-minded people who are willing to accept me for all that I am. Every other place either turned me away, or was so full of stupid, angst ridden morons that I couldn't stand it. And to think I started posting here at first because of angry indignation at what was being said in the homophobia thread. :lol:

You think people as intelligant as people here can be found in real life? I know that's a very stupid question, but I've yet to meet someone in person that came close to anyone here.
I am yet to find a concept of christianity i can appreciate and so far none of yours i can. I have been surrouded by christianity and seen nothing good of it, and ( wich brings me to my point ) not even in its dark side. Satanism is just as stupid and is what drives me to think people that get into metal are usually social outcast revealing against authority, thats why they act like that attacking christianity, and the more stupid ones supporting the dark side of it.
Originally posted by Belial

Remnants? Christianity practically controls America. Almost everyone I've met has been Christian, and almost every other religion is a minority compared to them.

I have to say that we've had mostly Protistants as Presidents...I think like 1 or 2 catholics. $1.00 bill - "In God We Trust." Twin Towers - "God Bless America."

Belial, also remember that segregation was still in place in the 1960's (only 40-45 years has passed), and the gay community did not begin getting attention until the 1980's, and unfortunately got connected with the whole AIDS virus thing. Tolerance to anything new is difficult in human nature. My friend and I were talking yesterday about how we are seeing more gay relationship shows than ever before, something that 15 years ago would have been boycotted. More people are coming out (you see this on talk shows, but just the simple fact that these people would have NEVER thought of coming out 10-15 years ago is a big step). Real World on MTV ALWAYS include a gay or lesbian person in the cast. These things are helping break down the "gay is bad" mentality. But it's going to take time. This is a new generation, much more tolerant than the last one about sexual orientation and the like. My friend also says that "every 20 years expect a big cultural change," since that's when the new generation start having their own kids. Just give it time. I know it's difficult to deal with, but there is evidence that it's moving in the right direction.
Originally posted by Belial

*Applauds Jannet for being the bigger person and not blowing up* :D

"She's gone from suck to blow." :lol:

Obviously I was watching Spaceballs last night.
Belial, if people you are looking for are here in this forum, they’re out there in real life. Best of luck, until then, keep posting. :)
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

"She's gone from suck to blow." :lol:

Obviously I was watching Spaceballs last night.

You like Spaceballs too? You've just gained some MAJOR cool points! :D

"What's his name?"


"I know that, but what's his name?"

"That is his name, sir. Asshole, Major Asshole."

"How many Assholes do we have on this ship?"

(Entire ship) "HO!"


"I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes."

Can’t very well allow this thread to fall onto the second page for multiple reasons.

"Now you see that evil will always triumph...because good is dumb."