My theory on the Nightwish tour cancellation... (Ozzfest anyone?)


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
While just sitting on the shitter I was thinking, "Why could Nightwish's tour possibly be cancelled?"

Here is what I came up with... these are just thoughts of course.

The tour was scheduled for April/May and postponed. Rescheduled dates surfaced a few days later for September. Now the tour is out the window completely.

They are gonna be on an upcoming soundtrack for a pretty big mobie coming out. The Cave or something like that. Rumor has it that "Nemo" will be sent out to American radio in May. I am sure if that does well "Wish I Had An Angel" will soon follow. Those two songs while I am a fan of them are enough to push this band to mainstream America pop charts. I can see them now on MTV and I can see them being played on Z100 in New York City or on WDHA fm's main rotation.

So that's part one of my theory, they wanted to wait to get mo re exposure so they can be even more popular then they are right now.

Second off is the venues. In New York they were scheduled to play BB Kings again. When I saw them there August of 2004 their new album was not even out here yet and the show was over sold beyond belief. You could not move in there and alot of people were also turned away at the door for the show. Capacity for BB Kings I believe is 663 people. There must have been 1,000 or more people there. Why after you play a show like that, plus come out with another album that made you even more popular would you return to that venue? Time to move up, don't ya think? Also looking at the other venues they were scheduled to play across America it seemed similair to last time around. Maybe they are waiting to gain even more fans and then rebook the tour at bigger venues. I am not saying they are going to play arenas but let's take New York for example... The Roseland Ballroom and the Beacon Theater are the mediums between BB Kings and Madison Square Garden. Nightwish would be much better suited in an environment like this. They can pack the place full and not have to worry about playing to a half empty arena like Madison Square Garden.

I saw Megadeth at the Roseland Ballroom in November. Now if that band played BB Kings forget about it. It would be wall to wall people. If they played at Madison Square Garden they would have played to a half full to possibly three quarters of an arena but there would have been no chance of packing the place. I see Nightwish in this direction right now. They are gonna move up and play more upscale venues when they do indeed make their return but they won't play arenas.

I really like Nightwish but sadly I see them heading in a main stream/pop direction. I noticed it a bit on their latest album Once. I have no problems with that album though and I am a big fan of it. I just hope on their upcoming albums they don't leave their metal roots behind and they stay heavy. "Dark Chest of Woners" and "Planet Hell" are heavy as hell and were the perfect one, two punch to open up the last tour. "The Siren" and "Dead Gardens" were awesome as well. I hope they don't abandon this music altogether and they keep their long time fans happy. I would also like to see them gain alot of success though and have a huge audience in America. I don't want them to be a Lacuna Coil or Evanesence but just as big as them flying the power metal flag high.

My only other theory which could be very very possible is that Nightwish is confirmed for Ozzfest so why tour America in the spring before hand or the fall after hand. If they do indeed play Ozzfest that will be their gateway to a bigger audience right there. I wonder if they will be high up on the second stage or play early on in the mainstage. Could you imagine Nightwish, the classic Anthrax, Iron Maiden, and Black Sabbath on the mainstage this year?

I also think Children of Bodom will get their shot at Ozzfest this year. Could be very interesting.
Getting them on Ozzfest would be awesome.

BTW, the movie is "Alone in the Dark", and it's a box office loser. But hey, it's a start, getting on the soundtrack of a major motion picture.
Even while it'd be awesome to see them at Ozzfest, given the direction Ozzfest has been going I really don't see it. Of course, they have been changing up on putting more bands on this end of the spectrum than the pop metal end. I guess I'd have to just wait and see.
adaher said:
Getting them on Ozzfest would be awesome.

BTW, the movie is "Alone in the Dark", and it's a box office loser. But hey, it's a start, getting on the soundtrack of a major motion picture.

Yes, they were on Alone in the Dark but they are also going to be on another one coming out that is suppose to be bigger and do much better than Alone in the Dark.
Anthony3 said:
Nightwish on Ozzfest would mean they would have to cancel their apperance at Wacken.

This is true. I didn't think of that. Plus they are on the Earthshaker festival. Don't know if thats in May or June though. I also didn't consider if they were on any other European festivals. If Wacken is the only one that would coincide with Ozzfest I am sure they would cancel Wacken to do the massive America tour. If other fests are involved though then they probably wouldn't.
They would have to cancell these shows.
04.08.2005 Wacken Open Air Germany
07.08.2005 Ankkarock Korso Finland
14.08.2005 Taubertal Open Air Rothenburg o.d.t Germany

Last year Lacuna Coil cancelled all of their fest apperances to do Ozzfest so maybe Nightwish will do the same. I think it would be great if they got on Ozzfest.
I can only hope and pray for them on ozzfest because being from kansas I doubt that I will get to see them any time soon without driving at least 4 hours.

adaher said:
BTW, the movie is "Alone in the Dark", and it's a box office loser. But hey, it's a start, getting on the soundtrack of a major motion picture.

When I read that "Alone in the Dark" was going to feature a soundtrack featuring many cool bands, I shuddered. I knew it was going to bomb, and bomb it did. I was just hoping that everything connected to the movie wasn't dragged down into the undertow. Luckily, it seems to have vanished so thoroughly that nobody cares either way.

"The Cave" might be good. I think it is based on a horror novel from a few years ago called "The Descent."
TheGraveDigger said:
I bet half the great songs on the Alone in the Dark soundtrack were not even played in the movie.

More than half. I checked this on the imdb once and only 3 songs from the 2 CD soundtrack were played :lol:

I Wish I had an Angel was one of them the movie still in theaters do you know? I kinda wanted to see it just to get a kick out of hearing Nightwish coming out of a movie theater's sound system.
Dang, i didn't realize just how big a bomb it was. IMDB rates it the 15th worst movie of all time, and it made $5 million.

Still, you figure that's a few hundred thousand people who would never hear a Nightwish song otherwise. More when it comes out on video. Which should be like, tomorrow.:)
I think the bands that are gonna be in Ozzfest are Lamb of God and Shadows Fall... I wouldnt be surprised to see Children of Bodom or even Dark Tranquility or why not In Flames?

I dont think it's likely to see Nightwish on it, at least not yet... Though it'd be interesting
But I know many people who actually WALKED OUT of Alone in the Dark. That's why so many people described the theaters that way too - as them being "alone in the dark"

So Nightwish's exposure was probably minimal
So far confirmed from what I've been reading for Ozfest is

Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Anthrax (reunited Joey, Dan, Charlie, Scott & Frankie)

Those 3 bands alone are worht going, I've never seen Maiden (they're cursed for playing in Florida) and Anthrax will always be in my top 5 bands of all time.

Black Label Society is opening the Priest/Dio/Ryche/BLS tour, hopefully that comes to the states so no Zakk on Ozfest.

Ozfest started off killer with a tour w/ Fear Factory, Type O, Pantera, etc.. then later they had Motorhead, Megadeth.. then they went in the crapper. Now that nu-metal seems to be downsliding its good to see the good bands being brought out.
I'll take the band's word on it that the cancellation was due to commitments Tarja has. After being the one and only voice of Nightwish for close to 9 years, and with her rising popularity, it only makes sense that the band accomodate her and give her time to explore additional professional opportunities outside of Nightwish rather than risk loosing her all together. From what I understand, she was scheduled to leave the band after "Century Child" to purusue a solo career and more training in classical voice (opera). It's hard to believe that a woman of her talent and ambitions will be content to stay with Nightwish forever.
I wouldn't mind Nightwish in Beacon Thater or Madison Square Garden. It would be great actually, much better than shitty BB King's.