Need a good Mikael photo

TheButcher said:
I found this in the official ayreon page

I like that pic and a bigger version of it would be nice but I haven't found one.
Nice drawings Phreek. I especially like your style with the textures.

Be sure to show us your "Mikael" portrait when finished. I hope you do one with Mikael wearing his signature "fur" collar. ;)
Phreek_23 said:
Hey everyone,
This is my first post in this community, as i only found out about it recently (And yes, i am a big Opeth fan.)

My main reason for making this thread was that i am looking for decent reference picture of Mikael Akerfeldt to do a pencil portraits from.
Here are two examples of drawings that i have done so that it may give a better idea of what i am after:

Jimi Hendrix - Pencil Portrait:
Click here to view

Santana - Pencil Portrait:
Click here to view

My main influences for drawing portraits are guitarists, and Mikael stands out as my favourite and most influencial.
So if anyone has a good photo they know of (Yes, i have looked through google, but nothing good stands out) please post a link to one, it would be much appreciated.

Thank's alot in advance! :)

Wow, you've got alot of talent - the Hendrix pic especially! It would be great to see you do the pic gr1m and tr00 posted, but whatever you eventually do, make sure to post it, eh?
Wow, some very positive and uplifting comments from people, i like this place =)
hehe thanks everyone!

I'm actually tossing up between 2 pictures at the moment, one harder than the other, but i'm betting anything that everyone would appreciate me doing the harder one that i have in mind.

I will also gladly post up 'work in progress' pictures if people want them.
I don't want to only be just posting in this thread to keep it at the top of the forum list, but if everyone wants to see how i do it, i will gladly scan in the picture everytime i reach a 'milestone' section of the drawing, so to say.

Thank's again all
Phreek_23 said:
I will also gladly post up 'work in progress' pictures if people want them.

Post em' already... or are you waiting until someone starts a petition for it? :D
I guess TAFE must be an Australian thing. I think it stands for Technical and Further Education. It's sorta like an extension of school, or a cross between school and university, focusing on a particular area of work. There's no lectures and it's all class work, learning practical stuff.
i'm going to the meet and greet on tuesday and i might be able to talk mike into a roar for a pic (that way theres no mic blocking the view, but it may look forced)

ill have some pics regardless
Dude if you want some good shots watch the Lamentations DVD... There are some really good up close ones..... Personally I would pick a picture in the Lamentations DVD when he is playing Weakness... Check it out and let me now how it turns out.,.
Anarkissed said:
I guess TAFE must be an Australian thing. I think it stands for Technical and Further Education. It's sorta like an extension of school, or a cross between school and university, focusing on a particular area of work. There's no lectures and it's all class work, learning practical stuff.

Correct. Most of it's pretty laid back.
great drawing skills there, you prob wont use these photos, but i thought id post em, ones with Arjen Lucassen, holy shit that guys a behemoth!


and uhhh wtf?
lmao, i love the 2nd pic, i have it saved on my HD from months ago.
the first pic mikael looks like he's holding the love of his life w/that smile. not to mention arjen looks like the biggest creep ever in that pic.