Neurosis & Mindrot


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Two bands that may or may not have anything in common, but I'm interested in both. I hereby dedicate this thread to Dreamlord. Yes, he might be J to the outside world now, but he'll always be Dreamlord to us, the family. :tickled:

So, where to begin? Mindrot have two full releases and an EP, and Neurosis have quite a vast assortment to choose from...bear in mind, I love The Wicker Man so I'm tempted just to get Souls at Zero for the cover alone. :loco:
Actually Souls at Zero might be the best place to start if you want to get into Neurosis.

I haven't heard much Mindrot.
Mindort's EP is not essential at all. It has 3 songs, two of which are on Dawning. Of the two full lengths, Dawning & Soul, either would be a good starting point, as they are both similar in sound. If you like one, you'll like the other. Personally, I prefer Dawning.

Souls at Zero is probably a good place to start, like apple said. It's their first CD playing apocalypticore, and each subsequent release just builds on it. If you want to jump straight to their best, go with Times of Grace or Through Silver in Blood. DO NOT start with A Sun That Never Sets, as it is vastly different than everything else. The stuff before Souls at Zero is mainly for completists, and is not representative of their current sound.

Don't let the word -core scare you away from either band. Mindrot combine crust with doom, but you'll also hear a lot of Machine Head in their sound. The vocals have nothing to do with a hardcore yell. Neurosis has three vocalist. But none have that distinct hardcore yell you dislike. Do not expect to understand what Neurosis are creating. It could take quite some time to really appreciate them.
Neurosis are the death metal equivalent of Swans. They have more metal influences than hardcore, so don't worry about that.

I'd have to recommend you start with their CLASSIC album 'Through Silver in Blood'. Then go with Times of Grace. Those two are probably as genre defining as it gets. Isis, Cult of Luna, etc. were all spawned by those two albums.

Neurosis has done more for modern metal than almost any other band. They experiment with metal the same way Swans did with rock/industrial/goth.

Oh . . . and I think JayKeeley would actually like A Sun that Never Sets, but I agree he shouldn't start with it.
Ok, first of all, what is this "J." shit?? :D Forgive me for looking at this thread first and probably not seeing an answer to this question somewhere else.

Is Dreamlord going mainstream? Coming out of the closet? Going "Prince" on us? A spy? A terrorist? All of the above? None of the Above?


Anyhoo, how in the fuck do Mindrot have any similarities with Machine Head? I am perplexed. There are absolutely none.

As far as Neurosis, I think as far as your tastes go, you should check out Times Of Grace and A Sun That Never Sets first. That's their best shit. I can't even count the number of times I've smoked a bowl or three to those cds.
I don't know. I sometimes hear Machine Head in their sound, esecially when they speed things up and the vocalist really gets going.

I like A Sun That Never Sets, but I don't think it's a good starting point.
J. said:
I don't know. I sometimes hear Machine Head in their sound, esecially when they speed things up and the vocalist really gets going.

I like A Sun That Never Sets, but I don't think it's a good starting point.

I think it's a great starting point in the sense that it is highly likely he will enjoy that record a bit and want to hear more. Some that hear their earlier stuff first tend to not appreciate the band as much.

They're at another level now..
I don't think Pain of Mind is that good. And I can't make it all the way through The Word is Law. But everything after and including Souls at Zero is essential.
I've been told to start with Souls at Zero but Through Silver in Blood has intrigued me for years now. Would it be safe to start there? I saw Neurosis in '96 and didn't really like them, but I was intrigued by the hypnotic effect they seemed to convey. That was also 8 years ago and my tastes have opened quite a bit since.
Papa Josh said:
I think it's a great starting point in the sense that it is highly likely he will enjoy that record a bit and want to hear more. Some that hear their earlier stuff first tend to not appreciate the band as much.

They're at another level now..
You might be right. BWD bought A Sun... first and hated at first, but then I think it grew on him. I don't know, we'll have to wait for his input.

I just prefer the more bludgeoning stuff from Through Silver and ToG. A Sun... is almost too subdued for me at times.

Perhaps ToG would be his best starting point since it's the buffer between Through Silver and A Sun...
Mindrot > Neurosis

Ive got all of mindrot's stuff. I think its all excellent. Dreamlords right, the EP isnt nessecary, I got it on a random buy actually. As far as Neurosis goes I think a sun that never sets is my favorite, even though it dosent really express the bands original or true sound if you will.
Souls At Zero is still their best, IMO. I started with Times of Grace and worked my way back. I'd suggest not starting with Enemy of the Sun; maybe it's just my take, but I thought it was the weakest of their catalog (excluding Pain of Mind, which I haven't heard). After you're hooked, definitely pick up the A Sun That Never Sets DVD; it's a visual treat that fits the music perfectly.

never heard Mindrot
Originally Posted by Black Winter Day
"okay... i just listened to that neurosis CD... and it is some of the most boring, overrated shit i have heard in a long while. why in the hell are so many people nutting over these guys? and don't give me any shit like "you just don't like the -core in it". wrong, i couldn't give a shit about the "core" in it, i am more concerned with the "sleep" in it. isis did this stuff right with "oceanic"... this, however, is composed of boring-as-hell, simple-as-hell guitar patterns, some of them consisting of an amazing two notes. no, i don't hate simplistic music if it is EFFECTIVE, i.e. creates a mood, sounds good, etc. these little guitar noodlings and "weavings" (see isis) do nothing except force me to focus my attention on something else... or getting away from this banality by simply going to sleep. the heavy parts are okay, but only decent at best. this album is about an hour too long, seriously. so... very... tired... someone is bound to tell me "it will grow on you with more listens". aha! but it does not INTEREST me! every cd that has grown on me after time i was at least mildly interested in after first listen ("this has potential"), but this... i do not feel compelled to ever listen to ever again. what in the HELL... i'll give it a few more spins, hopefully it will stir the insomniac in me and i will at least be able to stay awake during it. i love experimental music, but i am no somnambulist. maybe this is just not my thing."

it got better, although i still find it a bit of a bore...