To the stupid motherfucker with the 10 inch COCK wedged in his right ear! Yeah you DICK HEAD MARC! GEt your ass over here and set down, cause you have just entered LEDMAG 104 motherfucker.
Originally posted by MetalHeadMarc
try using real comparisons.
***LEDMAG**Try using your fucking brain you dip shit retard, they are REAL comparisons. They are both METAL, and they are both POPULAR in the metwl world. The only thing not comparable is" JON sucks and NEVERMORE RULES.***
how the fuck do you compare warrel with jon, thats fucking dumb.
****LEDMAG**WHat the fuck are you talkin about? When did i EVER compare THOSE TWO? HUH? HUH? HUH? Yeah, you cant answer, cause your a stupid COCK BITE fuck who pops their pie hole too fast, in other words mongo, you should re read the FIRST post in this trhead, or better yet, get your MUM to read it to youy, cause you obviously suffer from a READING imparement.***
Do you play in a band?
****LEDMAG*** WHat is it any BUS of yours cum ass? Yeah, ive been in bands for yrs motherFUCKER***
Well i do and the play as tight and organized like IE take alot of fucking work.
***LEDMAG** Well arent you just special? FUCK NO YOUR NOT. Big deal if your in a band, big deal if your band rules are tight, LIKE YOUR ASS USED TO BE BEFORE YOUR DAD CUT LOOSE ON YA. YEah, my band is ruled by all of us. We have a good thing going. We ALL have imput. FUCK OFF prick***
don't shit on things you don't understand.
**LED**You need to APPLY this to your everyday life. Thats a given, yes, i know, but look, im dealing with you, and YOU obviously need a LEASH AND COLLAR. YOu know, you need to be LED aroeund like a sorry fucking dog that wont HEAL. I understand FULLY. More than you could ever IMAGINE PUNK. Your the one in LEFT field. FAR left at that cum tonsil.
I realise loomis can shred and it a more dynamic player but damnit jon can fucking riff like a maniac.
***LED***Ok, so, who told you JEff is good? I know you didnt come up with this on your own. Indeed he SHREDS punk face.
The second half of this sentence.well, somewhat truth, but you can count those riffs on one hand. LISTEN TO TEH SOUNDS JERK OFF. Youll see.
And i admire his tenacity and i don't see him ass an ass, i see him as an humble aspiring musician.
**LED * You, KING OF MONGALOIDS, you need GLASSES. The real thick ones, like teh bottome of the old PEPSI bottles. Cause your not SEEING CLEARLY NOW, THE RAIN MUST NOT BE GONE. FUck dude, im not even going to go any further on this sentence youve embarassed yourself with.i could fill this forum up with reasons why your an ass who has no TASTE.
i mean comon man, you sounded like you thought jon was fucking tommy lee or sumtin,
***LED** Uhhh, Yeah, so what.
haven't you ever heard Pure Evil?
**LEDMAG*** YEah, what about IT fuck off?
that song fucking blew away.
**LED** YEs, the song blew away, WHat did you expect,? HUh, yuo thought it would be POPULAR or something? Get with the program JUICE mouth.
If you haev any more stupid statements that you want me tear apart, then just feel free to post them.