Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

To the stupid motherfucker with the 10 inch COCK wedged in his right ear! Yeah you DICK HEAD MARC! GEt your ass over here and set down, cause you have just entered LEDMAG 104 motherfucker.

Originally posted by MetalHeadMarc
try using real comparisons.

***LEDMAG**Try using your fucking brain you dip shit retard, they are REAL comparisons. They are both METAL, and they are both POPULAR in the metwl world. The only thing not comparable is" JON sucks and NEVERMORE RULES.***

how the fuck do you compare warrel with jon, thats fucking dumb.

****LEDMAG**WHat the fuck are you talkin about? When did i EVER compare THOSE TWO? HUH? HUH? HUH? Yeah, you cant answer, cause your a stupid COCK BITE fuck who pops their pie hole too fast, in other words mongo, you should re read the FIRST post in this trhead, or better yet, get your MUM to read it to youy, cause you obviously suffer from a READING imparement.***

Do you play in a band?

****LEDMAG*** WHat is it any BUS of yours cum ass? Yeah, ive been in bands for yrs motherFUCKER***

Well i do and the play as tight and organized like IE take alot of fucking work.

***LEDMAG** Well arent you just special? FUCK NO YOUR NOT. Big deal if your in a band, big deal if your band rules are tight, LIKE YOUR ASS USED TO BE BEFORE YOUR DAD CUT LOOSE ON YA. YEah, my band is ruled by all of us. We have a good thing going. We ALL have imput. FUCK OFF prick***

don't shit on things you don't understand.

**LED**You need to APPLY this to your everyday life. Thats a given, yes, i know, but look, im dealing with you, and YOU obviously need a LEASH AND COLLAR. YOu know, you need to be LED aroeund like a sorry fucking dog that wont HEAL. I understand FULLY. More than you could ever IMAGINE PUNK. Your the one in LEFT field. FAR left at that cum tonsil.

I realise loomis can shred and it a more dynamic player but damnit jon can fucking riff like a maniac.

***LED***Ok, so, who told you JEff is good? I know you didnt come up with this on your own. Indeed he SHREDS punk face.
The second half of this sentence.well, somewhat truth, but you can count those riffs on one hand. LISTEN TO TEH SOUNDS JERK OFF. Youll see.

And i admire his tenacity and i don't see him ass an ass, i see him as an humble aspiring musician.

**LED * You, KING OF MONGALOIDS, you need GLASSES. The real thick ones, like teh bottome of the old PEPSI bottles. Cause your not SEEING CLEARLY NOW, THE RAIN MUST NOT BE GONE. FUck dude, im not even going to go any further on this sentence youve embarassed yourself with.i could fill this forum up with reasons why your an ass who has no TASTE.

i mean comon man, you sounded like you thought jon was fucking tommy lee or sumtin,

***LED** Uhhh, Yeah, so what.

haven't you ever heard Pure Evil?

**LEDMAG*** YEah, what about IT fuck off?

that song fucking blew away.

**LED** YEs, the song blew away, WHat did you expect,? HUh, yuo thought it would be POPULAR or something? Get with the program JUICE mouth.

If you haev any more stupid statements that you want me tear apart, then just feel free to post them.

Man, feels weird to be able to read a flame from ledmag on here and not cry. Oh no, it's bringing back old memories. *hmm* Excuse me, I *tear* need a tissue.
This is dumb. Both bands are different and good. For those of you who like to compare IE to a child Fuck off cause they didn't get where they are doin nuthin.
Someone who has obviously never read through the whole thread.....

We should let this thread die, but the temptation to keep it alive is just too tempting......
Originally posted by Solid

This is dumb.

***YOu know what fuck head? I thought the same exact thing as i was reading your little reply (little like your COCK). I thouht to my self...I said " This is dumb of him for even trying to flame on this subject. He is a retard" I suppose some ppl just cant help themselves. NAd you are one of those ppl....arent you. Yes.***

Both bands are different.

****Yep, right on man, both bands are different. Like this one difference that comes to mind ......NIVERMORE KICKS MAJOR ASS. Yes, thats the difference*****

and good.

*****WHat is this sentence? Please EXPLAIN***

For those of you who like to compare IE to a child

***Well, its not that we like to do this, but dude, what with all you half deff retards out there, somebody HAS to fill you ppl in, otherwise you would never know. YOu seem to have failed. There is no hope for you, thats for sure. I have been such a good person by informing ppl like you of the fact that nevermore is light years ahead of IE. SOme have seen the light, some have not. YOu fall into the HAVE NOT catagory.***

Fuck off cause they didn't get where they are doin nuthin.

**Whats with the "THEY" shit, assface??. ITs all Jon. And he braggs way to much you half witted FOOL. Get with the FUCKING program here you GIMP.***

Ledmag you seem to be losing steam. That flame blew just like you. You just can not understand Iced Earth's greatness. You can not grasp the amazing ability of guitar god JON SCHAFFER, unlike that puny Lomis. (flame me flame me!!!!!!!!!!!)
C'mon, they're both great bands, why discuss, which one it's better, this goes with the people's personal and unique opinion....I regret those kind of questions, Wouldn't be better if the question was "Nevermore and Iced Earth: Which one do you prefer?" ;).
Anyway, just my opinion......
Stay Heavy
there is no bad blood between em at all so far ....if you read the thank you notes in Nevermore's Dreaming Neon Black besides thanking Iced Earth they also said in brackets "Keep the faith, metal brothers!"

i dunno ....personally i dunno why nevermore fans would have a grudge against IE or IE fans have a grudge against Nevermore .......both bands are amazing no matter what anyone says.
ITs not that i have a grudge. ITs my fuckin opinion hahahahha.

The thing is, way back when i posted this, i was having fun, and I thought some ppl would be giving good opinions. Well, FUCK, CABAM, they flamed. They still falme, so the thread is still alive.

WHo cares if there is bad blood between them or not. I can like one and haTe the other. The thing is, i dont hate IE, i just dislike JON THE MAN. ANd yeah, i do like NEVERMROE better. ITS MY OPINION.

I was listening to a choice few off Horror SHow this morning. I haev every IE release. I haev every Nevermroe release. ALong with every realease of TONS of bands.

WHat badn should i get a derogatory thread on next? SHould i complain about the few things i dont like about nevermore? YEp, Nevermore is my fav metal badn, and i can still find a few things that need fixing in my book. BIG DEAL.

LEAVE YOUR OPINIONS, and LEAVE THE FLAMES AT THE DOOR. Then you will not get flamed by me. ANd then perhaps, just perhaps, this thread will die.
Originally posted by Solid

This is a good example for everyone. This guy knows his shit. He was suffering from a relapes earlier, sure. BUt he has now passed. HE grasped the bull by the horns, and proceeded to drag the motherfucker down.


I salute you solid.!!!
Originally posted by coronerox
C'mon, they're both great bands

**yes, to some ppl they are both great bands, to some only one of them can stick their head above water long enought to INHALE***

, why discuss, which one it's better

****Uh, becouse some ppl just want to know whats on your mind. ANd some ppl just do things becouse they want to and they can. You can say i want it ALL****

, this goes with the people's personal and unique opinion.

****You get one point for not eating shit with this one line. BEcouse your right, its all about opinions, and thats what this trhead is ALL about. PPL habnding out their opinions. But some of you want to fuck around and get flamed over your heads. SO be it.***

...I regret those kind of questions,

****Thats becouse your simple minded. YOur brain cavity is lacking at one point or the other. Im sure any 300 dollar an hour SHRINK could fill you in on this in 14 or 15 hour long sessions. IT may very well lie in some form of heredity, or it could be something as simple as a kink in the blood vessel that leads directly to your penial gland. We may never know****

Wouldn't be better if the question was "Nevermore and Iced Earth: Which one do you prefer?" ;).

****Uh, did you get dropped on your head as a child? Are you just a mongo? Did you ride the little bus to school? The one with the tommy lift for the kids who cant walk?

WGHat im getting at here butt bandit, assface, blow mouth. etc........THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS THREAD IS FOR PPL LIKE YOU TELL US WHO YOU PREFER! AND WHY> Dont you get it. Thats what i did when i originated this trhead. I stated which i liked best, and why. You fuckless fuckers just took it apone your own weak little shoulders that due to the fact that i REALLY like nevermore, you think i hate IE....SHit, its not that. IE isnt even in my top 10, but still yet, i can find some good in JOHANS rehashed riffs.******

Anyway, just my opinion......

****Well, some of it was your opinion, some was just you complaining. GEt with it motehrfucker***

Stay Heavy

***Nope, dont stay heavy, visit heavy. YOu need variety. Metal is my fav, but i go for all kinds. Sure there are genres i hate, but try all kinds, and give them a chance. You see, IE is not high on my list, but at times, i do go for them, as well as Jazz, classical, classic rock, doom, stoner, desert, folk, prog, etc****

Originally posted by Lord of Metal
Ledmag you seem to be losing steam. That flame blew just like you. You just can not understand Iced Earth's greatness. You can not grasp the amazing ability of guitar god JON SCHAFFER, unlike that puny Lomis. (flame me flame me!!!!!!!!!!!)

I dont run on steam, I run on PUSSY motherfucker. And i am not in the middle of a pussy shortage. My wifes puss will always be there at my disposal.

yeah yeah, its over dude, You and I, Im not gay dude,. I told you this a while back. Let it sink in man. Like the cocks sink in your ass. Go ahead and acept the fact, that your gonna have to get over this little crush you have on me. I am your superior and thats that. I will never be anything more.
Originally posted by Solid
It would be different if the bands themselves hated each other, but I don't think there's any bad blood between them

SHit, i looked ove rthis post. I saluted you before i saw it.

I dont take back the salute in full, but i do take a bit of it back.

Ok, them hating eachother or not, has nothing to do my opinion.

OK, your still on track though.
New Iced Earth is good if you do one thing. You cannot look at it as cd's. If you look at it as Horrow Show or Something Wicked, it will suck. It will be whiny power metal that is not hard at all compared to their old stuff. But if you look at Iced Earth as simply a big collection of songs, then you will appreciate the newer stuff a little. Even if you don't like some of the new songs, if you don't associate the ones you don't like, with the ones you do, or compare the older songs to the newer ones, you can enjoy the newer songs that you do like.

Example:Trapped made a post saying how he didn't like Dead Heart, and if you keep telling yourself that because not every song is as good as DNB, you will stop liking the songs that are as good. When I first starting listening to Nevermore I heard the songs Dead Heart, Garden of Grey, and Lost. Since I didn't know that these were from the earliest and latest cd's I didn't see a huge difference between them (stylewise), and I did not have the preconception that Dead Heart was inferior to Lost because it was on a different cd.

I had stopped listening to Horrow Show and Something Wicked because I don't think all the songs are as good as the older ones, but I should not have let the bad songs on those cd's affect my judgement of the other ones.
Damn, I didn't get flamed. Oh well. I try and whore myself off and it doesn't work. When I'm being serious, I get flamed like hell. Damn it, all of you are fucked up. Anyway, I love DHIADW(The River Dragon is one of their best songs) and DNB. I love Horror Show(The Phantom Opera Ghost is one of their best songs) and Stormrider. I love Jester Race and Clayman(Bullet Ride is one of their best songs). I love Peice of Mind and Brave New World(The Wicker Man is one of their best songs). I love Imaginations from the Other Side and Nightfall in Middle Earth(Nightfall is one of their best songs). I love Images and Words and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance(The Glass Prison is one of their best songs). I hate it when someone hates a cd and then hates the band just because the cd sounds different from the one before it. I hate it when someone hates a band just because of one person in a band. I hate it when someone judges another just by an interview. Don't you know that many interviewers overexaggerate. I'm usually open to everyone's opinions, but Ledmag, shove your's up your ass.
I also hate those people that hate Metallica because of Load and Reload. Get over it. Metallica used to fucking rock and that's all that matters. I know some people who love Load and Reload. It's called personal taste. I like to be alone. I know people who couldn't stand to be alone for one second. I hate rap. I know people who love it. I love epic and horror movies. I know people who would much rather watch a comedy or romantic movie. I like anime. I know people who hate it. I want to be an astronomer or teacher. I know people who want to be doctors or psycologists. I hate beans and cornbread. I know people who love both. I am an agnostic. I know many Christians and I am friends with them.