Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

I agree, the last battle was too short.

DO some research on this film if you want, it has some truth to it.

Bulfwine was the main character, even if he wasnt the star.

DId you notice that the armour, some was 500 yrs old at the time, and some was from teh spanish conquistador period. Kind of just a mixed up mess from a range of 1000 yrs hahahah.
BUt none teh less, i do adore teh film.

Well done RP.

LOM>>>Good job dude hahaha
This is ridiculous. It took 3 minutes to load this thread. BTW, has anyone seen the Cradle of Filth video for From the Cradle to Enslave. I downloaded it on Kazaa because it said uncensored. Damn, and to think, MTV bans videos with the World Trade Center in them. Damn. That video freaked me out.
that video ruled, IT FUCKING RULED.Naked chicks, throat slicin, violin wrist slitting,fucked up little gnome dudes.what more could one want.

You think that was freaky, d-load CRADLE OF FEAR on kazaa, I did, fuck dude, just watch it man, fucked up...
Oh well, When I download movies I just leave my computer on.My computer has been on for the last few days d-loading 9th gate and 13th warrior.Cradle Of fear took about two days, Fear and loathing took like 3 I think.I just shut off my screen so it doesn't over heat.
Well, it would take me atleast 7 days to download Cradle of Fear if my internet stayed connected. And my internet disconnects atleast 3 times a day because of my crappy internet provider. Plus, my mom wants to get on the internet too, and if I am d/l she can not.
Yeah, DirectTV brought DSL out here, but we want it from SWB not DirectTV. BTW, which is faster, DSL or Cable? Or are they about the same.
Im not sure which is better, for kazaa though, it really depends on how fast the computer youre downloading from is combined with yours.

Sometimes I download things at 100kb/s, 30kb/s, 12kb/s and right now Im getting 9th gate at like 1 kb/s.1440 hrs for fucks sake.:mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah, if you were downloading off of me, it would be downloading at like 2.4 kb/s. Even when I am downloading off of people who have T1s, it downloads at 2.4 kb/s. At school, we have T1s, and goddamn they download fast. It took me like 45 secs. to get a song off of Audiogalaxy. I'm going to have to download some games in there sometime. I'm only in there for a semester though.
I remember audiogalaxy, like a year ago I downloaded the ENTIRE iced earth discography in an afternoon.

But now AG is gone:cry:
Yeah, it's sad. AG was awesome. Stupid RIAA. Although the message boards are still up on AG, they are pretty much dead too. That's why I came here.
"BTW, is the 13th Warrior any good?"
My bad, I didn't even notice that you mentioned it up above. Give me a second while a find a hammer to beat the stupidity out of my head.