Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth



Well, all that waiting was useless.I got a fucking virus in my PC so no more kazaa, well after I beat this bastard.But this really pisses me off, I either got to buy a virus scanner, or completely wipe out my hard drive.Im gonna try to get my buddy to rent the movie for me.Fucking worm viruses, stupid motherfucking shits...

I'll probably be gone for a few days, later
Nope, its here for as long as i am. Thats a promise. hahahahha

I love this tread. ANd you know as well as I, that sometime soon, some jerk face will come along, and he will read a few lines of the first post, and then he will falme, and Neal, and I, and a few others, you as well, will flam he/she back. ANd that will be FUN
hah well he didnt say why he holds that view. the point of the thread is to say WHY you like one or the other. some people cant fucking read directions. i mean damn.
Yes, MR KozmikOwnsYou here, he seems to be a fuckin retard ass wiper. WHats up with this dude? I think he is a Jr in more ways than his post counter.

KOZMIC COCK>>Get with the program you fuck face. If you cant follow the directions, GET THE FUCK OUT. We dont need anymore pathetic mongos here than we already have. SO my vote is, for everyone to SHUN your fucking cum eating ass.

ANswer my damn question the way i want you to answer it, or keep your fuckin pie hole SHUT....UNDERSTAND? You can slag nevermore, or IE, just answer the question. Tell us why your a retard. Tell us WHY your parents love you....cause its beyond us WHY they or anyone else would for that matter. Tell us WHY you dig IE more than nevermore. ANd it damn well better be a good fuckin reason too motherfucker. No bullshit little fuck off excuses either. You already opened this can of cocks, now you have to eat them.