Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

well, i think she just really loved her books, period. But you remem ber, she told him all the books in her collection were satanic. BUt yeah, she thought her book was the lagit one. BUt in the end, it took all three books to do the deed. As you know, once Cleso (im not sure about the C, it may be a K????) showed her what he had saw, as she said "this puts a whole new revelation on the subject", and she got really exited.

Another reason i think the devil picked celso is: Everywhere he went, more ppl got killed. SO he was helping out lucifer from the get go. hahahhaha.

dude, i could talk about this film all uh, night hahaha.
yeh everyone thought they had the only REAL one. i dunno it was kind of a weird movie. and i would be kinda weary of a chick that wanted to fuck out on the lawn while the castle burns down with the guy you just let die in it. id be like 'what a sick bitch' haha.
hahah, corso knew she was teh devil after a certain point IMO. He was so obssessed with finding the out the riddel, it took him over, or she did. hahahha.
YEp, i eat the stuff daily usually, exept mostly on bread, cause im at work hahahaha. bUt i do love the stuff.

I add tons of cheese to my CHILI as well, and everything else that taste good with cheese for that matter. hahha