Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

"A Night At the Opera," Blind Guardian

Good cd. Not their best, but good. I said what I wanted to in the other thread (damn it forgot about this one) so I don't have much more to say. I just want to tell you right now, because I would like all the people possible to join this great board, almost everything here is a joke. The flames, they are a joke. The board war crack I made, joke (mainly so I could stereotype some people on this board). Understand this young one, and you shall see the light. When ledmag flammed people, it was in fun and all jokes. The people who could take it (me) stayed. The pussies left. Plain and simple. So learn to take a joke or fuck off.
"Everything here is a joke."

Wow, that explains a lot. I was trying to have a serious bad. (No, that's not sarcasm.) I've been pissed lately due to my permanent highschool loser status (girls are more trouble than they're worth), so I'll apologize for whatever it is I did wrong if you apologize for the flaming.

Now, do I have to snatch a cricket from your hand to advance beyond "grasshoppah," or can I learn the mystic secrets of this order now?
What, I never flammed, did I? hmmm......The only serious discussions here are about religion, what is reality, afterlife, and other things like that. Couple of other serious discussions, but really, this is just a place were you can come to relax and be a little immature. Or really immature (Guerrilla). Don't be pissed about being a loser. Be happy. If so called * popular * people call you a loser, then you are cool as hell. Just a fact. Nope, nothing more to learn. No mystic secrets. The only secret is a sense of humor. Once you have that, you are set.
Well, I used to be cool with the whole "loser" thing...I was at Washington High, which is a shitty sheep-pen with crappy teachers, for two years. I played it up with trenchcoat and all, and ignored everyone except to be a smartass. But starting this year, I transferred to the awesome School Of the Arts as a writer, and it's a very cool place...the problem is, I'm still kind of an outsider, and that's frustrating when the people there are actually people I WANT to talk to. And when you add in the obligatory "hot, nice, smart, etc. chick with no boyfriend who likes me in a platonic way and may like me more if I ever had the balls," then it gets really frustrating.

Enough of my angst...I'm going to go try to find my sense of humor. I think I left it at school on Monday when that girl went to Cleveland (WHY CLEVELAND?!!) for the week.

A note on Blind Guardian: ANATO is WAY overdone, with too much extra crap thrown in. There are some killer songs, like "And Then There Was Silence," but most of it is pretentious crap. Thankfully, their live setlist for the U.S. tour sticks mostly to the older stuff and Nightfall In Middle Earth. I've heard that Imaginations From the Others Side is really good...any thoughts, anyone?
As I said, it is good not great not amazing and far from mind blowing. NiME is their best. IftOS is really good. It doesn't have all of the huge choruses, it's more thrashy, but if you want their thrashiest, go get Battalions of Fear or Follow the Blind. School of Arts, huh, cool. I like to write. Don't have a lot written because I just can't find the time, but I'm always making up stories in my head and sometimes I get to write them down. A trenchcoat means your a loser? I never knew that (don't have one, I just never knew that). I like to make people think I am something I am not (evil). It's fun. Just talk to the people. Jump in on a conversation. That is easier said then done (I'm a shy person, so it would be really hard for me, I just can't talk to somebody I don't know, but if I know, boy will I talk).
PYRUS>>>You need to float the place for a while before you make up your mind. Ive been telling you that, but just like you not understanding the reall meaning of this thread, you cant understand what im asking you to do either. We can be serious. We haev serious threads all the time. And some of us are seriose in the flame threads.

as for WD not posting,....he never really did. The band stays to themselves for the most part. I dont think they are all huge PC fans, as we are.

As for you pittying us, what i read at your hole in the wall, well, it didnt add up to me just as this place doenst add up to you.

As far as this board joining up with yours, the rest of the crue here can, but im not going for an IE never trade center. We can all go back and forth and chat. BUt who really cares if IE open for nevermore? Lots of bands open for the gods pf metal...being NEVERMRE you know.

LOM>>>hahahha, RP runs and makes them waste ammo hahahahhaha.
yeh. as a general rule ive found IE fans(as in people whos favorite band is IE) to be complete fuckwit jerks that jump down your throat at the slightest hint that jon isnt a fucking god. fuck that shit. i woulndt want to have some kind of joined board.
People make Jon out to be more than he is, especially in terms of his guitar playing.

Jon even said himself that he is DEFINATELY NOT the greatest guitar player.He sticks to song writing.Basically, listenable songs (I assume).In my opinion he is pretty good at it.I dont find listening to IE unbearable, its just like listening to any metal really.But, if I want REAL talent, I'll obviously look elsewhere.
No shit? WHats the song? Im exited now. bUt it could be a song from their more stoner side. The went into a groove phase you know. BUt yeah, tell me tell me .
ahh yes, i likethat one. But they have better. I may burn you some cd's soon. Im in the middle of burning for lots of earlier promises right now. You know i have 15 cathedral cd's dont you? All the full lengthers, and the EP's.
they have 7 full lengths. The rest are 4 to 5 song ep's. They are all out of print as well...the EPs that is. hahahha, and i have them ALL. I even have the OOP print radio promo singles as well. I do love cathedral.

BUt yeah, they do haev a lot of songs. SOme are around 20 minutes, some are about sci fi movies like the planet of the apes, and capt klegg, and witchfinder general, the one where VINCENT PRICE is the witch finder hahahha.

ALl in all, a 10/10 band IMO.
haha, cool.I'll look for one of their cds after x-mas when I go to pick up a CANDLEMASS cd as well.

Gotta get some death too, still cant find live and raw
RP>>if you dont find the stuff, ill fix you up.

NEAL>>>Doom, in their early days VERY MUCH so. Then they went to a very heavy at times funny 70's style with a mix of sab. Then they went near stoner with groove. Then, the eventually got heavier and doomier again. ANd now, they are a real good mix of doom, and well, its hard to nail down.