A Dead Sun Serenity
"A Night At the Opera," Blind Guardian
Good cd. Not their best, but good. I said what I wanted to in the other thread (damn it forgot about this one) so I don't have much more to say. I just want to tell you right now, because I would like all the people possible to join this great board, almost everything here is a joke. The flames, they are a joke. The board war crack I made, joke (mainly so I could stereotype some people on this board). Understand this young one, and you shall see the light. When ledmag flammed people, it was in fun and all jokes. The people who could take it (me) stayed. The pussies left. Plain and simple. So learn to take a joke or fuck off.
Good cd. Not their best, but good. I said what I wanted to in the other thread (damn it forgot about this one) so I don't have much more to say. I just want to tell you right now, because I would like all the people possible to join this great board, almost everything here is a joke. The flames, they are a joke. The board war crack I made, joke (mainly so I could stereotype some people on this board). Understand this young one, and you shall see the light. When ledmag flammed people, it was in fun and all jokes. The people who could take it (me) stayed. The pussies left. Plain and simple. So learn to take a joke or fuck off.