"New" (2006) Q&A thread

a: yes, yes and yes.

q: is secularism an ally of islamism? or are they mortal enemies?
^That's a thing to learn. I was to write "trousers", which has also no singular. It seems I missed the relation between the two words.

thank you :)
incendo said:
^That's a thing to learn. I was to write "trousers", which has also no singular. It seems I missed the relation between the two words.

thank you :)

Yup, thats the same, you cant say a trousers of course, but a pair of trousers is fine. Its the same with all uncountable/0 singular nouns. No problem, anytime. :)
marduk1507 said:
Yup, thats the same, you cant say a trousers of course, but a pair of trousers is fine. Its the same with all uncountable/0 singular nouns. No problem, anytime. :)

in my parent language it's countable. and that's why I mistake at times.

A: England and Italy during World War I. And centuries ago, Mongols.

Q: what is the best war movie you've ever seen ?
Not even the blood that flows through you is your own (to paraphrase someone much better versed).

But what about actions? Are the things you do your own? In the same sense as "do unhatched possibilities exist?"
i believe everything is determined, so no, your actions are not your own.

what's the most sympathic god you know of?