"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: You can't be a 100% detached and unrelated to a world you're born into. For example, just by the cds I keep buying all the time, I am, in fact, part of this material world. No matter how bad I think it is.

Q: Go on. Subject's interesting.
Well, we all live in the material world, thats not something we choose. But the question was probably aimed at materialistic world. Well, I like buying new stuff, clothes, cds, books, I own a small company and Id like to buy a car at the end of this year (based on the balance sheet). Does that make me a materialist? I dont know. I also have my dreams, I believe in God, I love my family, philosophy, etc. And these things are more important to me. But you still have to eat, you know.

a: i don't think people have a choice really. either you face the facts and care about the material world or someone else will have to do it for you. the latter option is, imo, against human dignity.

q: go on.
A: I hate people obssesed with other's cellphones, mp3-players ets. Though I must say that I enjoy having nice things. I would like to buy a new camera for instance and I colect nice lamps, but I do not care a shit about other peolpes stuff... I just care a lot about my own belongings.

Q: Not changing question as you seemed to enjoy the subject..
A: I think I am into material world, since it's not in our hands to make a chocie. however, I wouldn't pay more than 70-80$ for a cell-phone (I have been using the current one for 4 years, it's Nokia 3315, if you know this model) or I don't pay more than 35-40$ for a jean (in my city, they are between 20-250$).

Q: In which conditions do you think it's ok to say "I'm not into material world" ?
A: When you choose a job with a very low paycheck just cause it's what you want to do.... Love in pauvrety and this being your choise and you're happy..

Q: Ever think Sweden will be bigger...the area....?
A: No, moral rules are stupid. As long as everybody is happy there should be no rules.

Q: Is having sex, without intention to have a relationchip bad?

A: Absolutely not. Sex is just like everything else. Playing football, eating, swiming, dancing, puking..... Why not?

Q: Are you a christian?
A: yes, i am. and i also refrain from puking outside relationships.

q: are you 1?