"New" (2006) Q&A thread

Damn I hate music theory. :)

I do agree that to the western world C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C sound better but that's because most of the songs for kids are in major and we grow up with it. :) My question was actually if it makes sense to build the music theory on a scale. To me on a guitar it would make much more sense if the chromatic scale would go like a, a#, b, b#, c, c#, d, d#, e, e#, f, f#, a.

Does this mean you have a Do chord on a guitar? :lol: But how does that work in other scales that have less and/or different notes (like the pentatonic)?

A: No, but I fear that I'll have to.

Q: What's your favourite scale? :)
Vizjaqtaar said:
Damn I hate music theory. :)

I do agree that to the western world C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C sound better but that's because most of the songs for kids are in major and we grow up with it. :) My question was actually if it makes sense to build the music theory on a scale. To me on a guitar it would make much more sense if the chromatic scale would go like a, a#, b, b#, c, c#, d, d#, e, e#, f, f#, a.

Does this mean you have a Do chord on a guitar? :lol: But how does that work in other scales that have less and/or different notes (like the pentatonic)?

A: No, but I fear that I'll have to.

Q: What's your favourite scale? :)

yes, there is a chord called do (C)
in pantatonics scales the notes are still called the same way (do,...).

A: A minor

Q: you can always learn how to play a music instrument. But do you think I
people can actually learn how to put feelings into music if they are not that good at doing it?
A: Some people are useless, but I think it's all about wanting to make the music be your soul. If you don't there's no point.

Q: What's your soul?
a: if she keeps it civilized, no. it can also be fun. on the other hand, i am very touchy when it comes to personal space, and i am irked to no end by either an unwanted heterosexual man or an unwanted homosexual woman coming too close. in other words: it's ok for anyone to flirt with me, no matter their gender, but they should keep their hands to themselves if i don't give signals that they can do otherwise.

q: same.
A: Actually, one of my closest friend is homosexual and during the first weeks we've known each other, he thought I was too. That brought up some amusing flirting situations and I ended up telling him I wasn't what he hoped for. It never bothered me and now, we always end up joking about it. As long as the flirting is respectful and not perverted, I don't see why one should be bothered.

Q: Have you questioned your own sexual orientation even long after your teenage years?
A: I'm still a teen, but yeas I have. Not just me. Now I've discovered that I'm the stratest eprson I know...

Q: Ever made out with one of the same gender...?