"New" (2006) Q&A thread

I know/like them a lot, which doesnt mean Im any good at them. :)

Why Nietzsche?

@incendo: yes, fallen angels were the angel banished from heaven together with Satan. They have their names, google it.

ever had the problem that when clicking on "last page" of one specific thread in the thread overwiew, you were taken to somewhere in the middle of it, instead to its end?
A: not really, I keep telling me I should do some sports, but in the end I never do anything

Q:Have you noticed that UM had some problems today and didnt work?
A1: Not at all, I just came.

A2: I went through 3 stores already, and no uneXpect cds. :(
marduk1507 said:
Why Nietzsche?

A3: Because a lot of modern ways of thinking have similarities with his critics, including fascism. And some how, one feels powerful following his thinking, he places the individual himself above else, and grant them godlikehood. It like in Will to Power, each person is responsible for the perfection of himself, and all else, to that person in particular, is irrelevant. Not many theories has done that before, especially at his time, everyone just followed the path that's "written" for him. Nietzsche basically told them to stand up for themselves. And besides, Nietzsche went against Catholic religions, and eventually against all religions, that incited the people to act as an individual, and not as a part of a social mechanic.

Q: I wonder if liberalism came from him too?
No, thats Locke and Hume I believe. Try to read some Heidegger then (in German preferably, but there are some good translations to English I hope), his lectures What is Metaphysics, The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking, Thing, then his books Being and Time and the 4 volumes on Nietzsche. Reading Nietzsche is a great experience, but reading him through the eyes of Heidegger is a philosophical shock. Those are not my words, Foucault said that, maybe you can continue with him. :)

Anyone else interested in philosophy?
marduk1507 said:
Anyone else interested in philosophy?

A: I have never liked philosophy. I dont know why, but it simply annoys me. The philosophy we talked about at school was ancient greek, and French philosophy up to Sartre. All the books we read were boring, exept for one: "Huis Clos" by Sartre

Q: What do you thing about philosophy?
A: I think philosophy is a very interesting science, because it's both very basic and very abstract. People who misunderstand philosophy and mock it or try to sell it as something else can be very annoying though, like last year we had this professor who kinda sold us philosophy as a way to throw in intelligent quotes and failed miserably to explain even how the two Descartes sentences Dubito ergo sum and Cogito ergo sum are connected.
I have to admit I didnt spend much time with philosophy the past 2 years or so, but I still consider myself somewhat.. "involved". Like a sleeper ;)

Q: Is it too warm now or what? :(
A: I already got my tickets for Wacken, now I am triying to get the stuff i need ie: camping backpack, matras,.. because they all are at my parents' in Belgium

Q: Same
A: there is this possibility for me for a festival called rock'n'coke. headliners are most likely to be placebo, him and muse. a friend of mine who is working for coca cola promised me the tickets. If I get them free, I'll be happy to see placebo and him.

Q: how do you feel about brit-pop/rock?