"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: I believe it depends on both(the individual thinking and the laws and moral rules),but more on individual's belief system and conscious

Q: Do you believe that there is something after death?
A: yes, but not in the traditional judeochristian (sp?) sense

Q: on a scale of 1 to 5 (one being the lowest), how new ageish do you consider yourself to be?
A: Don't remember names, but any from the ones i've been to in Gothenburg.

Q: Same.
A: Well,I haven't been to many special bars outside my city,but my favorite would be Tolkien's pub in Zagreb because it's all decorated in Lord of the rings style

Q: Do you play any instrument?
A: I used to play the keyboards, but nowadays i only sing.

Q: Are you/have you been in a band?
A: Not really. I was once officially the keyboardist for a band called Ellegy (and yes, i'm aware it's badly spelled/spelt (sp? ;))), but i practiced two times with them and since then i think they haven't gotten together (plus i live in Cuernavaca now and i was part of that band when i lived in Mexico City (the other band members live in Mexico City)).

Q: Are you lonely?
a: I'm pretty sure it started with some kind of family outing, involved the need for us to don Ghostbuster's outfits and get in the cool car, eventually had the cliche'd 'locked in room with bad guys' (with convenient 'bad guy meeting here' sign outside) except that they forgot the 'lock the door' part, and there were various other weird parts, including creepy moments where I had to wiggle through not-so-big tubes to get from one part of a building to another (because the elevator wasn't working...). Though I had a more disturbing one recently where I had to watch my brother get killed in front of me :-( . First time I was not able to wake up from a dream...

q: Your feelings about Chuck Norris?
