King Chaos said:Q: My current and main band is called 'Snow'. You think that's a good name?
Rincewind said:Q: What kind of music (ok;I know that probably,but I mean specific like death,power etc.) do you play?
Rincewind said:Q: Ever thought of finding real (fat and everything else you like) girl?
UndoControl said:Q: Doesn't it piss you off when people say "America" meaning "the USA" and not actually "the american continent"? In fact, doesn't it piss you off that the people from the USA call themselves "americans" and their country "America" and wipe their asses with the fact that Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America are also part of America?
Wolfman Von Jones said:I dont see your point. I didnt ask if you've ever been to THE AMERICAS, I asked if anyone has ever been to AMERICA, and considering the good ol' USofA is the only country in THE AMERICAS with America in it's name I thought you'd be able to put two and two together, sorry, next time I'll know better.
UndoControl said:plintus: I don't know about Vespucci, but Columbus landed in Cuba the first time and then built la Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (Veracruz, Mexico). And i really don't see what all that ranting about Latin America, Europe and Asia has anything to do with the "America: continent or country?" discussion. But, to use your example, you don't call the british "europeans" and the rest of the continent by their country names, so why do that here? And "United States of America" is a stupid name; every single country in America is a union of states in America (okay, Canada should be United Provinces of America, then). Calling yourself America when you're just one country in America is as stupid as calling a city Mexico City when it's obviously not the only city in Mexico.
The difference is that europeans aren't arrogant/stupid/unimaginative enough to make a country and call it the United States of Europe.plintus said:If there was a United States of Europe - it's citizens would be europeans. Simple analogy.
Cortez was the first person to really conquer any civilization in America and build cities. Spain actually dominated all of America (except Canada, Brazil and the northern half of the USA). Cortez arrived at America in 1521. Even after Spain had conquered the aztecs and established its dominion over most of the continent, Canada and the northern half of the USA was still inhabited by natives alone. The british arrived in the seventeenth century. So, if you remember your math from elementary school, you'll see that 1607 is greater than 1521 (and thus comes after in the time scale). Granted, the USA was the first piece of land to gain independence from Europe and the most powerful country in America thereafter, but that doesn't give them the right to ignore the existence of the rest of America and call themselves 'americans'. Oh, and it's Americo, not Amerigo.plintus said:Also, try to track where America actually started, why it was called after Amerigo Vespucci and what the circumstances were. Also try taking in the account beginning 18th century and where all the other countries of American continent were at that point (economically and how civilized they were).
As i said before, they weren't the only civilized part of America in 1776. They were the last country to be settled/conquered by Europe (along with Canada).plintus said:I have no facts at hand, but when US proclaimed their independence and all they were the only civilized contry on the continent (all up to date). And historically it happened so, that USA is America now.
UndoControl said:Nick: Read what i said to plintus (above). I can put two and two together, but i cannot conceive a rational explanation for a country putting the name of the continent it's in into its name and then just calling itself like the continent. In my opinion, it just goes to show how the people of the USA are arrogant, selfish and extremely immature.
UndoControl said:If you put it that way, then all "americans" are europeans (british, to be precise), since the puritans who came and settled themselves ended up killing almost every native. But call them "americans" or "europeans"; it doesn't matter; they were still stupid to name their country "the United States of America".
UndoControl said:rahvin: I'm almost positive (about 97.463% positive) that what you said was part of your strange/smart/exquisite humor, but still i feel the need to say that the USA isn't the only nice place in the american continent.