"New" (2006) Q&A thread

King Chaos said:
Q: Can you tell the difference between desire, lust, obsession and love? Do you think the term love shouldn't be applied for oneway feelings?

A: All four are the sides of the same triangle :cool: And - all are just words: as feelings everything is much more complicated. Term "love" should be applied with caution :Smug:

Q: Why noone wants my halo? :err: I can make a hole in your head for it for FREE! :dopey:
A: I want it
Q: Why hasn't DT confirmed a bay area date for their US tour?
A: too private a question sorry :p

Q: do you find yourself sometimes sharing more than you wanted to share?
A: Nope
Q: I am seriously considering getting an Ipod. I have about 1000 songs (4 gigs) to upload and will probably have 3000 more by 2007. What Ipod should I get, and what are the advantages over a CD player that can play CD's holding 70 songs (sound quality?)? Also, should I even be looking at an Ipod? Is dell just as good? Thanks.
A1 (undo): No, I've always felt like a guy adding bricks to the wall... There are people here of high quality. It's a quality I wish to one day attain, for my own progression. I paid a man to kill Michele (sorry, sp?), but he bottled it when he saw his cute innocent smile. Modern hitmen don't know shit.
A2 (Zack): I'd say keep buying CDs and just dont worry about it. I pods, tchnology gone mad. Or maybe Im just sad?

Q: Hitman gives you a free kill, anyone you want, question here could be "who would use it on" but I know you guys a bit better, I'll ask: Would you use it?

q2: Can you help zack better than me?
A1: I'm not the person to talk to about iPods, since i don't own one and don't plan to. My advice would be to stick with cds, as you can equalize songs in your computer and then burn them into a cd with the equalization (sp?) and everything, whereas an iPod has only a very limited equalizer with a couple of presets. But that's just me and my obsessiveness.

A2: Yes. On my brother's girlfriend, if only to save my brother from the imminent doom he's facing.

Q: Would you?
Probably Plintus. Thank you though, that never occured to me.

Haha, I meant Plintus can help me, I don't want him dead. Nice editing Undo!
Zack said:
A: Nope
Q: I am seriously considering getting an Ipod. I have about 1000 songs (4 gigs) to upload and will probably have 3000 more by 2007. What Ipod should I get, and what are the advantages over a CD player that can play CD's holding 70 songs (sound quality?)? Also, should I even be looking at an Ipod? Is dell just as good? Thanks.

the ipod is cool because its way smaller than a cd player, and you can take all of your song at once onit.
BUT the integrated battery is kinda crappy, it dies quite fast, and always gets empty when you dont youse your ipod for like 2 days. Then to upload your songs on the ipod you really need the itunes software. And you cant put songs out of 2 different music libraries on the ipod. It can only be imported from the same music library (ie: the one on your computer). So when you want to take songs from a friend's computer you have to use the ipod as an external disk (but it wont read the song), then put the song on your computer, then put them in itunes and only afterwards you can add them to the ipod and it will be able to actually read the songs.
Then when the ipod gets old some songs always skip while you play them. I'd say an Ipd is too expensive for what it is but still compared to most mp3 players i've seen the sound is not that bad (although a good cd player has a better sound quality for sure)

Zack said:
Probably Plintus. Thank you though, that never occured to me.

I'm popular again :cool: Let's fuck!!!!!! :dopey:

edit: but I have to ask this - are you fat?
Rincewind said:
Q: Do you spend more or less than 20 hours a day admiring yourself?

A: More likely - 20 seconds, flirting with fatties :dopey:

Q: How deep can you take it? :Smug: