"New" (2006) Q&A thread

Rincewind: Well, yea, i guess i am a dreamer after all (but one of my dreams is to make my other dreams come true ;)). I suppose you're right in that there will always be problems which will make a perfect system impossible to have.

And yes, plintus is always like that. :loco:
A: Well,as I said I don't know much about games on consoles but I like word or cards game...my biggest level is Super Mario or things like that on consoles :)

Q: Best thing you ever did for someone else?
A: Oriented a guy with school/bought soup for him when he was crying.

Q: You?
A: I bought something to a friend that he couldn't afford but wanted very much and made an idiot of myself until I got a smile from other,at that moment,very depressed friend(actually,I do that more and more often :) )

Q: What's your favorite place on Earth?Why?
UndoControl said:
Q: Same question (good one).

A: This thread, full of shit... man, it's like witnessing 20 survey bulletins on mySpace from the same person about him/herself... I wish I could be capable of wasting my time like that :cool:

Q: Don't you?