"New" (2006) Q&A thread

Round, but for some reason I never think of it as such.

Q: Is there something you wish you could do / have, but something physically prevents you from doing so? (i.e., I love spicy foods and pets, but I have acid reflux and a mild allergy to pet dander [much, much worse with cats than any others])

a: the first answer that came to my mind was too crude to be put in print, so i'll skip that.

q: what kind of value do you attach to chivalry?
A: Chivalry as far as a set of standards I tend to find, well, bullshit. I much prefer that simple kindnesses be looked at for just that, instead of 'oh, he's doing it to be chivalrous, and that's what he's supposed to do'. I don't mean to imply that I think being nice is stupid, on the contrary, I try to do as many little things as I can.

Q: C'mon, tell us :p. Nah, just kidding. What is your favorite physical activity, indoor or outdoor?

A: It is seen through imagination, but obscured by our inability to control chaos.

Q: How do you view progress in a workplace - natural and wanted, or do you feel that you could be content at one level and not necessarily want to move up in the structure?

Kovenant84 said:
Q: How do you view progress in a workplace - natural and wanted, or do you feel that you could be content at one level and not necessarily want to move up in the structure?

A: Never settle - move up as long as you can while you can :) It's fun.

Q: My potential girlfriend looks like a female version of Ville Valo. I can't betray Ville. What should I do? :heh:
A: You should not date a dude. Unless, of course, that's your thing.

Q: I'm correct in assuming a double-feminine is like a double-negative, right? (they cancel out to a guy, or positive as the case may be?)

A: Perhaps, it's an interesting theory. It does, however, make me start thinking about the Klinefelter and Turner Syndromes, and how extra sex chromosomes definitely don't merely make one more feminine or masculine.

Q: You'd think that with all of the things that can go wrong during gestation, such as trisomy, monosomy, etc, that the chances of ending up deformed or underdeveloped would be much higher than what they really are, eh?
6 Stringed Fingers said:
A1: If you live with your hot girlfriend, yes. If not, go play dress-up.
A2: DT :heh:

Q: What's the difference between "not true" and "false"?

^ Obviously, obviously :) :headbang: :kickass: .

A: One is using the word "not" and one isn't, but both of them havce the same meaning :) .

Q: What would the vocalist of Dissection do if another homosexual comes and tells him he wants to have sex with him?
plintus said:
A: Get a life! Both of you!!
For the record, I was calling Ville a woman, thusly your 'hot girlfriend' a man by the 'female ville' comparison. Just in case that went by unnoticed :p

A: Probably go for it, or let him down easily, to be politically correct. Racism/sexism is bad, remember. Satan, good....

Q: Finding lingerie in you washer (belonging to a hot girl) = good. What about your mom finding same lingerie in washer?
