"New" (2006) Q&A thread

Hahahaha running real fart. Thats a really hard typo to make...
Kovenant84 said:
As soon as they buckle down and find a fuel and time effective means of getting there.

I'm betting on nuclear energy, supplemented with an ion drive. You?


no clue.. im just saying they reached the moon in less than ten years after JFK said 'hey let's go' sooo
A: Agreed, We wouldn’t have advanced up enough before we, politically destroy and environmentally destory this planet... SO because of thatwe won’t be able to travel to mars as a holiday resort or a Permanent one.

Q: Who thinks there is a conspiracy in all the famous aussie deaths happening?
A: 42.

Q: English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
A: Because we finally merged everything in the "chat and random discussion" thread?

Q: What's your take on it?
A: I can't fully recall a lucky day in the long gone past... there was a day recently when i woke up feeling gash and not knowing when I had to be in uni or work... I called work and they said I wasn't in that day. Such a good feeling. Then I started getting ready to be in uni for 1.00... checked my time table to see what room I was in and boom! I had the day off uni too. Then I spent the day playing Mount And blade!!

Q: Your favourite game at the moment eyyy?