"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: To a certain extent, I understand the convenience. For example, I'd quicker get my gf a gift card to Staples, than try and fathom the multitude of organizational and office supplies she would want, and in what order she would want them. On the other hand, I would still rather give her a more personal gift.

Q: Who do you get gifts for/from?

A: Friends + family

Q: Do you procrastinate?
A: YA RLY! (Goddamn, my brother and I came up with a very funny variant, that involved exceptionally proper and outdated English, but for the life of me, I can't remember it. Something along the lines of "Verily, what thou sayeth be true!")

Q: Do you get into the whole spirit of the holidays? As a corollary, when do you think it is ok to start advertising for the holidays / play holiday music?

A: Bah humbug.

Q: What are your expectations for dt's next album?
A: Same answer.

Q: Same question.
A:I expect it to be one really professional work. I can never be sure, however, that it will make me fall in love with it. Nothing can top Skydancer.:)

Q:What the hell are you doing, MR. Webmaster? Why does the official DT site stay abandoned. No info, no entartainment. Only news. Why?:lol:
A: Yes, Rhavin is dead. He just left a program to put random posts based on a highly-complex ternary code that only he understands (it's something like 012002012020101201022201002012010210201000120121110202012003).

Q: What do you think of the "teaser" video posted by Mr.Sundin?
A: well not from my knowledge of programming, more limmited knowledge of language and music composition, ternary is a term meaning three, or 'three parts'. Although through knowing music I understand the original part being A for instance differs only from the second part, B before returning to A to complete the ternary idea... so only having A and B does make it strange that you'd need a three. Although I really have no clue when it comes to programming. Basic logic doesn't extend that far.

A: What's your highest score at ten pin bowling?
A1: 232

A2: We were going to see a concert to a town 30 kms from here, I knew the street where the club was supposed to be, but when we got there we couldnt find it. On the way there we went past two policemen stopping and checking the cars. We didnt find the club, so we slowly went back the same way looking for it. We went past the cops, and still nothing. So after maybe 200 m I turned the car around, but didnt notice the sign saying no turning left, so when we went past the cops for the 3rd time, of course they stopped us and I got a fine for not paying attention to the traffic sings. The funniest thing is there was a roundabout maybe 200 m from the place where I turned left. Yeah, stupid.

Q: Whats your story?
@marduk: that works too. i guess i meant more the kind of trust you find between good friends etc, but the question is open to interpretation.
Trusting my family ~%80
Trusting my good friends ~95%
Trusting my regular friends ~80%
Trusting dt to consistently put a great album out everytime 100%

Q: Same q.