"New" (2006) Q&A thread

a: unlikely moments of sharing and comprehension, that's happiness. and also, felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.

q: same
A: Being able to smile at the most insignificant thing in the world, just becouse it´s there and/or works, like an elevator for example.

Q: Do you find yourself more intelligent than average people?
Yes, and no. To explain: where I work, and when I went to college, I was average/below average. See, my intellegence isn't really based on my ability to do equations, or the like, but rather to figure out really obscure problems, and memorize equally obscure and useless knowledge. The less I'm likely to need a bit of information, the more likely I am to remember it forever. This has basically led to me being declared 'the smartest kid we all know' by my friends from grammar school, regardless of the fact that I almost failed out of college (which not many of them know, but the ones that do know had almost no change of opinion of me). Of course, this becomes truly ridiculous when I explain that my girlfriend is smarter than me; I get a bunch of blank looks, and people who apparently think I've grown another head or something. Gotta say, it's great for the ego, though.

Q: same.

a: complicated question. i'm certified (GRE) top 1% in the world for analytical reasoning, top 10% for mathematical reasoning, and top 14% for verbal reasoning in english, so i guess that the performance would improve in my mother tongue. i know for a fact that i have a talent for observation and association, eventhough i also have a knack for superimposing my interpretative scheme on the reality of things, which sometimes yields 'thinking out of the box' results, sometimes yields totally wrong results. i have some severe problem areas. i think i lack emotional smarts: i fail to understand other people's motivations if they are not explained to me about 5,000 times, and i seldom interpret reactions correctly. also, i am not gifted where it comes to writing or abstract thinking, i find myself pretty conventional (having had the opportunity to benchmark myself for years against rahvin's talent, i have a clear picture of where i go wrong).

q: same.
A: I dont feel like going into details or praise of myself, but I find most people to be pretty stupid.. so yea, I feel like Im above the average.

Q: How many constellations can you name AND find on the sky?
a: Used to be a big fan of astronomy. Nowadays though, I could probably only point out Orion, Ursas Major and Minor, and maybe one or two others.

q: Any old hobbies you used to have, that you find yourself using again recently? (like the above).

A: not really, but i wish i could find some motivation and time to play the guitar again

Q: Did you once have a hobby you liked a lot, and then suddenly couldnt find the motivation to do it again?
(like, you play guitar, but one day you cant find something you really want to learn, or cant find any motivation to learn the whole song, or you feel like why would i continue to play if i will never get to play in a band)
Actually, that exact scenario happened to me, too. Used to play piano, but gave that up after my mom made me play the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack for 4 months before she had my sister. Took up guitar, but I can never get myself motivated enough to actually work on it for more than a week. But that's true of most things in my life.

Do you have motivation issues?

A: yes. And its really a pain in the ass for my studies...

Q: ever felt like stopping studying because you totally dont understand one or 2 classes?
What was the most nerve-wracking (if you've had one) moment in your life?

A: Back in teh day when dentist drilled through my upset nerve :heh:



Seriously: why are you trying to combine all the dates into one? To remember easily? Cuz if... when it goes wrong you gona ruin all teh Christmas spirit.

spread the queer! :heh:
I meant 'Christmas' as in winter break (not that I have break, now that I'm working :( ). Not gonna propose on Christmas itself. Maybe closer to New Years, but who knows. And it all depends on me actually getting my hands on a ring, too :p

Plus, I already know she'll say yes. I've asked before sans ring and she's agreed. At least 3-4 times over the past few years. You know, just to make sure.

Do you find yourself constantly bored at work/school?

Because I do, actually. I didnt really like it at school, any school. But it depends on the job you have. My previous job was a nightmare, but now its great.

What makes the big wheel keep on turning?