"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: At the risk of sounding like a wanker, I have concluded that the answer to life and all that are simply your beliefs... there is no universal answer. My explanations and so called answers will most probably vastly differ from anyone elses as will yours. I believe what I want to believe and my conclusions are based on my beliefs, which are still evolving.

Man I sound like such a wanker :D

Q: What brand and model of speakers woudl you suggest for one's computer?
A: The ones that come with the flat-screen iMac G4 from a few years ago (brand? Um.. Apple?). And a hub / plug-type-converter-thing to be able to plug them into your computer, of course.

Q: What would you say to Siren if she suddenly, unexpectedly and against all odds proposed to you? Alternatively (in case Siren answers this question), which board member (okay, okay, user) would you suddenly, unexpectedly and against all odds propose to?

Nitro: The correct answer is 42. ;)
Well I have to pick Siren simply b/c I already did and shee accepted. That means everyone else stay away *pulls dagger* wanna get cut?

Ever have a headache that's such an asshole it follows you into the next day?
UndoControl said:
Nitro: The correct answer is 42. ;)
I'm not Mexican, so I don't understand :(

Nick's Q: Ever have a headache that's such an asshole it follows you into the next day?

A: Yes, I have to take a panadol for it even if the headache subsides on the day or else it will follow me for a while.

Q: Do you get irrtated with the ticking analogue clocks/watches make while you are trying to sleep?
solefald said:
Q:Lat time you cried for another person?

A: Not in last 4 years... and even if I did - that was more because of self-pity, not cuz I cared of anyone :erk:

Q: Haha, can you believe that some things are just not meant to be?
A: No. I don't believe in that kind of fate.

Q: What kind of fate do you believe in, if any?

Nitronium Blood said:
I'm not Mexican, so I don't understand :(
Will you PLEASE stop emphasizing the fact that i live in Mexico in every one of your posts? It's not like i chose the country i livew in, and it's not like living in a country makes me worse than i'd be if i lived in another. Seriously, mate, stop it.

And if you'd read or watched "The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" you'd a) understand why i said it was 42 and b) understand that it has nothing to do with being mexican.
UndoControl said:
Q: What do they call you at school/uni/work?

A: Wallace, William Wallace, porky, piggy, sir, hun, whattafuckisyourname, Lenin, Lennon, Lebanon.

Q: Funniest nickname you ever got? :)
A: Captain Brighteyes. Made me laugh because it's just terrible. Was given by an admirer... Who since I've lost communication with.
Also funny for other reasons: Ass Pirate.

Q: If you could have any nickname that would actually stick, what would you want it to be?
A: It hasn't happened to me (because of the "drunk" part). :Spin:

Q: When you're sitting in front of your computer with UM on your web browser, bored and alone, which i'm sure happens to us all from time to time, what is going through your mind? :D