"New" (2006) Q&A thread

sole: I think you got it the other way around. She was asking about the last nice thing you did for someone else.

A: Wasted about a minute more than i should have at the supermarket today. =P

Q: On average, how much time do you spend at the supermarket?
UndoControl said:
Q: On average, how much time do you spend at the supermarket?

A: Depends on the lines, I'm usually in and out, I always know what I need and/or want before I go there, instead of aimlessly browsing the shelves and slowly wandering around. Fish-bread-mineral water-frozen foods-fruits-chocolate I'm outa there :)

Q: Do you make a list doing food shopping or just remembering everything or fantasizing about food in advance? How hard for you to do food shopping? :)
basically i buy whatever i have an appetite for at that very minute, i seldomly buy foodstuff in advance. it has to be convenient and a bit tasty, that's all.

do you hand-write a lot?
A: During class, i abbreviate a lot and use arrows instead of sentences, so no. Back when i could write stuff (i.e. i had inspiration), though, i sometimes wrote it on paper instead of my computer, so yes, kind of.

Q: What's your favorite joke?
a: no, i prefer racistic jokes.

q: tell me, should the Dragon be gone if Russia won the olympic ice hockey and do you give a fuck about it?
A: No. But a classmate does.

Q: What would you think of Dark Tranquillity if on 2008, after three years of letting their fans wait for a follow-up to Character, they released a six-track power metal album entitled Trumpets sounded when the Traveler witnessed Tr00 Tranquillity Trap the Transparent Troops of Treason with an instrumental title track and lyrics (on the other five songs) about the haps and mishaps of DT-forum-dwellers?