"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: told lots of nonsense the day before yesterday .....after lots of beers....i know that because i was filmed by somebody and even didn't notice it

Q: and what was the most regretfull thing that happened to you lately ?
A: Well,my friend is celebrating birthday so I expect PARTY,PARTY,PARTY...except that,usual things:reading,hanging here,headbanging on DT in my room...

Q: Ever been to proud to say "I'm sorry" when you hurted someone and do you think it was a wise decision today?
UndoControl said:
A: Not today, but sure, last semester something like that happened to me.

Q: What's your favorite science and why?

sole: So why did you tell her that in the first place?

A: Weird Science because it was a funny movie. Demonic Science because it's a kick-ass jam.

Q: Do you correct other people's grammar in person as well as online?
A: Depends. "Gonna" and "gotta" aren't too nice, but they don't annoy me. "Koz" i use. And "owt" i've never heard/read.

Q: What's your dream office? (Question ripped from a RoadWarrior mag they gave me at the last airport i was in.)
A : Haven't seen enough plays yet. But I'd say that Robert Lepage's "Les plaques tectoniques" is the best I've seen so far. Because of the overall feeling of the play and how the set is...set?

Q : You?
A : Argh. So many songs to chose from.....I'd have to say "Tongues" (again) because of the many uncommon and meaningful images and the absolute beauty of the rythm in the lyrics.(but I could also have said, "A Bolt of Blazing Gold" ; "Lethe" ; "Senses Tied" etc...)

Q : Ever been to the Playa del Carmen?