"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Because it's the only rare stuff I know :lol:
Q: What's this rehearsal you speak of?
Thanks. Is there any dialouge in between the songs? Not that I'd be able to understand it, just curious. Would like to hear the DT fellas at work :)
A: Not too much. I used to love Brick shithouse, Special K, Scared of girls, Sleeping with ghosts, English summer rain and My sweet prince (i liked this last one back when... well, that's a long story). They're okay, though.

Q: What's the most you'd pay for a cd?
a: i paid 36 for one (well, a two-CD set actually), so yes, i'm willing.

q: do you use skype?
a: i do, because in europe it's actually popular, and the voice quality is better than the MSN audio and other competitors.

q: are you proud of yourself?
a: as i've stated in numerous occasions, i am amazed by nick's generosity, because it's not often that one meets people so dedicated to others.

q: same.
A: In general, I'm amazed by everyones generosity on this board, and how welcoming everyone is.

Q: Same
A: I forgot you ofcourse! Made me feel very welcome when I first joined. Fun to talk to also :)
Q: Same/ do you think we should start calling forum member's by their name, or are sn's ok so everyone knows who we're talking about?

PS, I didn't forget about that interview thing. I'll send the questions to you tomorrow. Just got a little behind. Are you ok with me attatching a picture of you to my final project for varification of the interview?
Thanks. That made me feel all "fuzzy inside" (to quote some of the veterans). :)

A1: Half the time i call the forum members whose name i know by their name. I think it's alright; after all, whoever doesn't know who Alex is can ask. ;)

A2: I'm okay with it. You can take a picture from the pictures page if you like. If you think they're not formal enough, i'll link you to a more formal pic.

Q: Do you think we should start calling forum members by their name?

By the way, don't think i forgot about the songs. I'm in the (slooooow :zzz:) process of uploading them.
A: Well, yea, I just thinks it makes everything a little more personal and not so vague. Then again I'm always confused when I'm new on a forum and I don't know everyone's proper names.. Whatever, doesn't really make a difference.

Q: Is your hangman word as tough as the last one?

@the songs- Ahh It's fine, I'm rather busy tonight anyway :)

@- the picture, actually a formal one would be nice, because my teacher is pretty weird. There's a long story, behind me needing a formal picture, but let's just leave it at that so no one gets offended...