"New" (2006) Q&A thread

@Zack: just try tinkering with your UM settings in User CP.
edit: ah no. in the bottom of the main DT board page, fix your display options at "show threads from beginning".
^^Sirens are just older and more knowledgable of the ways. :p
^No problem. :)

Q: What are you doing today?
A : Usually, I'm more creative when I'm feeling a bit sleepy but not half asleep. Still some of my best work (IMO) I've written while being fully awake. Actually, inspiration simply happens, no matter how you feel at th moment.

Q : Are you a creative person?
A: not that much exept when it comes to invent new words. have been playing piano for 5 years and guuitar for 2.5 years and i am not able to write a complete song.

Q: Why the inspiration doesnt come?
Dark_Silence said:
Q: Why the inspiration doesnt come?

A: I was asking the same about female orgasms, but there was simply no answer :Smug:

Q: Do you button your clothes from the top to the bottom, or gambling, buttoning them all the way up?
Teddeh^ said:
Q: What's your happiesy childhood memory?

A: Making out with a 9-y/o girl when I was like 7. Yes, making out. I was such Casanova, yeah... Still have a thing for old women :zombie:

Q: Ever woke up during operation?
A: Thankfully no, but if i ever have one i would so hope it would be from a surgeon...

Q: Do you like mice?
A: dog (don't have enough time to take care of one)
Q: Do you have a lot of stuff to do tonight?
A: Yes, not as much as usual though.
Q: Do you like whipped cream?
A: The ones that you'll send me later tonight :kickass:
Q: Same question