"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Ahh, perfect. Thanks a bunch!
Q: Are you sick of school or enjoying it at the moment?

Also forgot to mention that rampagesword is very funny and fun to talk to.
A: I'm sick of school, but everything else is still ok :)
Q: Any reason you're sick of everything?
A: Well it's really hard to discern everything. Overall reminds me of skydancer, nothing extremely special. Intro is very cool though :)
Q: What time do you have to get up tomorrow and what do you think of the 1991 thing?
I agree on the Intro part. :)

A1: 7am.

A2: More or less the same as you. Reminds me more of Septic Broiler than Skydancer, but old times alright (well, it's 1991, so...). Intro is by far my favorite piece on that thing, followed by Unfurled. So the two unreleased songs aren't really something special. I reckon they'd have been worth releasing had the band continued in the vein of Septic Broiler, but not as Dark Tranquillity. And the names don't sound like Dark Tranquillity at all.

Q: What do you think of the other two songs i sent you? (Hint: maybe this link will help. ;))
A: Downloading now :) I went to bed right after that post
Q:Are those the only recordings of those songs?
A: Yes
Q: I meant the 91-92 DT songs, forgot to mention that part... :(

Wow, thank you for the songs a lot. On both of them, the melodies are ace :) However, I prefer the vocals on athlete much more. Something Corporates vocals are a bit to whiny for me, but it's still very good. I like the melodies much more on something corporate. Very nice taste in music my friend, thanks a bunch.
A: I wouldn't know. The only recording i know of is that one.

Q: What are the conditions of the place they give you to sleep at Graspop (i.e. is it a hotel with individual rooms, one with shared rooms, a tent shared between 100 people....)?

Glad you liked them, mate. :) Well, Konstantine goes well with my emo side and perfectly with my liking-for-beautiful-lyrics side, and Wires is just brilliant, imo. :)
A : No clue, if someone wishes to enlighten Undo, go right ahead.

Q : What's the most stressful situation you've ever experienced?
A : The first time I was performing (theater) for an audience. In fact, the 15 minutes before the play begins. My armpits were rivers and my brain was overloading badly...

Q : What's your type of man/woman?
A : can't say because I don't know if you mean the appearance or the characteristic traits

Q : so what did you mean in your question?
A: Can't really say 'cause all my ex's were different....just has to have something special (can be any little thing that he says or do in a particular moment) what will make me wanna know him much better...actually I stick with the "don't do anything you don't want to be done to you" and that's most important to me in friendship and relationship and with potential boyfriends

Q: Same
A: ok - i never thought that i like a concrete appearance of a man but i've noticed that i'm dying for green eyes (but sometimes also deep brown) and naturaly black hair or also deep brown. Anyway about the characteristic traits - should have a good humore sense, a charming smile, be spontaneous (not just by doing something but also by speaking), should be as smart as I am :cool: and interested on tecnique :rolleyes:

Q: and what about your type?
A: I don't have a type, always look into a certain person. But recently it's definitely NOT blonde, anything else, even bald, but no blonde girls, please :D

Q: When you walk in the street, and half block away from you destination you see your shoe untied - do you tie it up or walk with untied shoe?