"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Not gonna say I hate I but it's simply not my sort of thing... that sort of stuff is filled by goth for me ^__^

Q: Do you like goth rock? (Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, early-mid Cure, etc)
A: As far as i know, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish and 1998-1999 Theatre Of Tragedy are gothic rock. And yes, i love those bands. I'm not too much into Sisters Of Mercy kind of stuff, though.

Q: Which do you like best:
a) Trail.... + Moonclad
b) Septic Broiler
c) The dying fragment.... + Soulbreed
A1: Not great, but some interest definitely. I'm mostly discouraged about politics though.
A2: A band. Actually a band my young cousin used to like and the excuse for me to give him a bunch of DT cds. Wonder what's he listening to now.

Q: Do you think Mal is here to stay or will he vanish again after this round of posts?
probably more than average.

edit a2: only time can tell ;)

isn't naming all politicians corrupted quite the same as labeling, say, all mexicans lazy?
A: A political figure that really shouldn't exist. Eh, when i'm in the right mood i'll write a whole thread on the pope and bore you all to death (or start another heated endless argument like the one with psychology and all, back in october-november).

Q: [insert random question here, since i'm not really in the mood to come up with one]