"New" (2006) Q&A thread

What do we do!? *Runs around and shits himself*

Q: Would you rather be a troll or a gargoyle?

Edit- you need to stop beating me :D
Q: Do you like or dislike In flames?

Undo- "An Un Due Con Troll :lol:" Wait, are you the kind of person who is fascinated by vampires and honestly wishes they were one, or are you just joking?
A: There is no way to be sure what you said is the right thing. It could be the right thing for your needs, but the wrong thing for someone elses

Q: Will we get to put this in context?
Well, I hope it helped (It probably didn't...) Good luck with your issue

Q: Are you a fan of classic rock?

Edit- beaten

6- Well, for one, you can comfort someone. Sometimes it's impossible to give the situation so I just respect their privacy/desicion and help the best I can, even though you can help a great deal more with information.