"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Some of it's ok, but most of all I hate people who just buy a led zepellin tour t-shirt from 1970 and run around talking about how all new music sucks and that back in the day was the "troo" shit.

Q: guacamole or salsa?
A: Sometimes, but not in this case
Q: Do you find the forum becomes unreadable with too many posts?
A: I like around 3000 posts.
Q: Do you ever get tired of music/Same?
A1: Yes, not all of us can afford to spend 23 hours/day here just to scan through all the posts.
A3: Yes, sometimes.

Q: What is your favourite source of information about upcoming shows?
At Siren- Were you refering to the do you find this forum unreadable question?

A1: Well there is really only one premier club here, so I just check their site. Usually there is a local promoter that organizes all shows, so find out who is promoting the next show in your area and get their website if you were, in fact, looking for a source to find shows.
A2- No, I should write more
Q: How many shows do you go to on average every year?
@Zack: yes, that's what i was referring to.
also, i wasn't really looking for a source, even though it would be great to find a new one. there's quite a few clubs and promoters here, so the best is to have one website with announcements about all gigs. there was one such very good site, but it's not getting very much updated lately. i came across another one with more info, we'll see how that turns out.
Keep me updated, and do you have a link to the site?

Edit- It's probably in another language, so I won't be able to read it. :lol: Nevermind

A: Not really
Q: Do you like Classical?
@Zack: yeah, it's in greek and has only greek dates.

A: Yes, i do.

Q: Do you want to get married?
A: Too young to say
Q: Have you heard The "English Folk Song Suite" by Ralph Vaughn Williams?
A: Yes, It's a masterpiece. I don't know how you'll find it though :erk: I'll try and send it to you, but for some reason the song won't send :(
Q: Do you find you have preferences in water? For instance "Arrowhead" over "Crystal Gyser"?
A: Yes, it's quite fun, actually
Q: Do you have a favorite song at the moment?

Sorry, I couldn't find the song I was going to send you :(