"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: I think I already have..
Q: Death Metal from Canada, right?
A: Already am in one
Q: Why no shows? No one good comes to you?
A: Tons
Q: Finland or Sweden?

Bummer... hopefully you can go soon :erk:
A: Probably in a few months... I'm gonna quit soon though cause I'm really sick of the guys. Start my own thing, you know? www.myspace.com/blackstigma (listen to conniption)
Q: Do you want to start a band?
A1: The little teen has Spiwit.
(Thwow him to the floow!)

A2: Death should not be feared, but the thought of a slow painful death is not pleasant.

A3: Yes, and it's still mine.

Q/A4: Do you mean talking-meat robots? :lol:

Q: How do we get off this merry-go-round?