"New" (2006) Q&A thread

King Chaos said:
Q: You pick your nose?

A: No, I just scratch my brain when it itches.

Q: If Pope married Mother Theresa, who would their kid be? Messiah? Serial murderer? Ghastly spawn? And what would it be if they didn't get along well? gah, we'll bnever findo ut for sure, so go ahead and take a guess.
A: Their kid would probably be new devil (based on: - and - give +)...and they would get along surely;they wouldn't have time to fight from all praying and helping to the rest of the world

Q: What do you think?
A: I think they wouldn't touch each other because:
a) Mother Teresa = virgin and Pope = quite gay
b) both too ugly, they'd rather do something else, eg help the world
c) both too innocent to even have an idea what sex is

So no kids there. In the unfortunate event of conception of a child, it would be something between ugly and spawn of satan.

Q: What is your take?
A: The kid would not only be ugly, but way too psychotic to do any good to mankind. You know, he'd be considered an abomination because of the celibacy thing. Maybe he'd end up being a successful serial killer, at the very least.

Q: What's your favorite bird?
a: a 'bird' is also a penis in italian, so that is a tough choice.

q: does the bird-penis thing hold in your language too?
A: I have thought that in 5 minutes, just before you ask. I like summer, when there's no or little winds and trees don't move much. all the movement is looking to be made by people. I tried to explain with least words.

Q: do you think Iron Maiden is a mistake for every teenager ? I mean some say that Iron Maiden is not for mature people, they are for loser teenagers. do you agree ?
A1: Nope, as much as I don't like Maiden or power metal, I don't think it's something reasonable enough to put people into stereotypes.

A2: Yes, but I don't want to express them much.

Q: What do you think about incendo's question?
A1: I think that people should NEVER put that kind of judgments in music or anything...everyone can listen in any age what they want to listen
A2: No...only to very few people that I really trust

Q: Do you live in close-minded surrounding?