"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: No, because then you'd have to take care of it and you can kiss those 5 second showers (Or baths. I don't remember who said they don't shower here) goodbye.
Q: So can we now confirm that Rampage and 6SF are officialy military personnel?

6 Stringed Fingers said:
Q: Do you often take showers?

A: 2-3 times a day: before and/or after work, and after my workout. Got to take one now, thanks for the reminder :D

Q: So, let's say you shaved your head, your armpits and pubic hair areas SPARKINGLY clean *sparkle-sparkle* So, what do you think gona grow faster? And do you really think your body won't mess up, so your pubic hair won't appear on your forehead, and... you get the idea...
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Q: What do you think?

A: 42

Q: I'm going to participate in a protest against war in Iraq and going to NYC at the end of the month. Do you think it's still a good idea to wear my uber-cool new camouflage outfit??
A: That would be uber-gay. Take that whichever way you like. ;)

Q: Favourite colour of bikini?
Rincewind said:
Q: If you could change one thing about yourself,what would it be and why?

A: I would finally enlarge my penis, because of that spam I'm getting all the time, which makes me wanna. Then I'd go find those spammers and tear them apart with my 40-inch. :heh:

Q: I wonder if girls get that kind of spam and if "enlarge your penis" is substituted with "stretch your vagina"? Any info on that?
A: We do get it. And it's still "enlarge your penis". That, or "V1agra!!1".

Q: What would you serve me for dinner right now?
Siren said:
Q: What would you serve me for dinner right now?

A: That 40" inch I was talking about before... WHAT??? You are fed, I'm pleased, everybody's happy :D

Q: Do teddy bears have nightmares? Or that depends on the owner??