"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: I've been looking for ages, I don't think so
Q: Can anyone shed more light on this?
A: Yup, good guitar players and vocalists. Cheesy lyrics though (unless your sonata arctica)
Q: You?
A: No, and i wouldn't be very inclined to, seeing the way they spell their name.

Q: Your opinion on spelling/grammar nazis?
A: As with all great movements/ideologies, most of them went with the flow rather than really knowing what they were fighting for. Hitler, though, was a great leader and a good man; he just got carried away and made too many stupid things in the end.

Q: Yours?
A: Idiot, asshole, let the power go to his head. He wasn't a communist, he was a dictator who called himself a communist. Had Russia been governed by marxists, not by dictators, it would be far better off than it is. Hell, that half of the world might even have won the cold war, and the world today would be very different from how it is (fucked up as well, since all governments eventually become corrupt and stupid).

Q: Yours?
A: I'd become someone important within the religion and use my powers to get what I want. And with capitalism, I'd underpay my employees, or make a secret monopoly. In the end, I'd use my powers and money to kill people for fun.

Q: Do you like my vision of the world?