New Attack Attack album

Sad thing is that I think Gareth made some very poignant points about the state of the industry. It was the delivery that killed everything. Though I guess nothing quite draws attention like controversy, and if he'd tamed out his posts would've just got washed away in the flood of everyone elses' in here.
Dang! I'm off a week for my work and all hell breaks loose in here.

My statement about the situation FWIW :

I really respect Joey as a producer/engineer. He always puts cool mixes and some with some very creative effects in them. You got to have respect and in my case some envy that he reached what 95% of us want to be here. Professional producer/engineer.

For the matter Attack Attack! I absolutely dislike their music and image, but i have nothing but respect for them that they are touring all over the place and making money with it, i could only dream about getting in that position.

Some of you guys (especially Gareth) should do this

By the way Joey, your original post was a really interesting read (albeit pretty heated lol)

Really opened my eyes to what it is to actually make money as a sound engineer in the industry's current climate
No one here can bash Joey's work....He has the best production chops here and has more of a chance doing something with himself than anyone here.....Gareth or whatever his name is even comment on joey's work is hilarious.......what the fuck has he even done? i'm glad that dude is banned, he can get really annoying....I'm not sucking dick here, just stating a few facts.
Sad thing is that I think Gareth made some very poignant points about the state of the industry. It was the delivery that killed everything. Though I guess nothing quite draws attention like controversy, and if he'd tamed out his posts would've just got washed away in the flood of everyone elses' in here.

I can understand where his anger and frustration comes from. It's hard to keep in mind that it's a music INDUSTRY. Whatever makes money goes, regardless of talent/love/interest. It's just something we have to learn to accept, or attempt to one up. Unfortunately, the first choice is a thousand times more practical than the second :erk:
in my personal opinion i just say that if u think that the band/bands u're recording makes shitty noise (and/or are a bunch of idiots) AND U CAN'T STAND IT EVEN FOR MONEY then just record your own music and (optional) try to get good results and attention.
I blame capitalism! Got here a bit late on this one I guess. But seriously, just stayed up and read through this post by post and its now turned 2am... Gareth has some perfectly valid points, its just the delivery was a bit off, being conveyed in the scapegoat manner and all. As for the band, not my bag either. Another quick buck pocketed in the digital era... but i'm not kidding myself- gone are the days of the Iron Maidens of this world of course. I do fear though what we'll be looking at in a few years time when the big guns finally hang up their boots. What gigs will we have to go to? :yuk: If I was Joey, I'm sure i'd do the same anyway- sometimes morals take a back seat when you have to earn a living.
Sad thing is that I think Gareth made some very poignant points about the state of the industry. It was the delivery that killed everything. Though I guess nothing quite draws attention like controversy, and if he'd tamed out his posts would've just got washed away in the flood of everyone elses' in here.

his points were relevant, and I highly agree with his state of the industry opinion. Its sad now that we see bands trying to sound as perfect as possible and attempting to be as big as possible, for the fame, for the money. That is why I personally feel as proud as I am playing the more underground of metal that goes among just the metal community because If I were in it for the fame, I am in the wrong business.

By I record my own music, I program drums, and that is all I am guilty of, I don't quantize guitars but I go back and record something over and over until I get the best take, however I try to do it right the first time. Right now I am autotuning the fuck out of my vocals only for the reason I have just began singing and they are my training wheels for the moment, but that soon will be gone. My point is that you can still pour your should into the digital realm and still have it mean something during the final result. Its ultimately the emotions and writing process of what you are writing that holds water. Thats why bands that are famous like attack attack if you look into the lyrics there us no deeper meaning.

This whole lacking soul dilemma only seems to be a huge problem in the mainstream music, including mainstream metal which takes it even a step further because metal is kind of out of the way. But to anyone including Gareth who finds that it is morally wrong to sell out to that standard, realize this, the people that do listen to that garbage are the same ones who will never listen to real music and will continue buying the next crap Kayne West sells, so let those consumers be narrow minded fools.

Metal is not a mainstream music, and to those who think that true talented music will never get the recognition that shitty commercial music gets remember this, the metal community is a huge family, huge, the followers, the brothers of metal will support and recognize their idols until the end of the world, that relationship alone is valued as more recognition than all the fame and money in the world.
I hate the way this forum is filled with opinionated douches at the moment it's alienating the professionals from posting here and that's ruining it for those that want to learn.

I usually don't have much to contribute to this board, being that at this point I am not a professional. I am basically the sponge that soaks up the knowledge here, and occasionally posts here and there. But, I wanted to get something in here for perspective sake.

I am 31 years old. Not that old, but old enough to remember "metal" and "extreme" music before the internet (OK, now I sound old :loco:).

I remember trading demo cassette tapes, because that was really the only way to get a hold of heavier music. There were a few select radio stations that would play metal but only for an hour a week, which was aside from the much anticipated weekly installment of the orginal Headbanger's Ball on MTV. I've been a fan of metal since I could read and write, and honestly before many of you were even born (literally - my father bought me the original Metallica album, "Kill 'Em All" for Christmas whan I was about 5 years old).

Not that it will matter you, but when I was younger - fans of heavy music used to have a bond. Metal fans were a brotherhood at one time. I see threads like this and it honestly makes me sad. Who cares if you don't like the band - it's heavy music and that's why we're here.

Now, quit hating Joey and be happy for a fellow forum member who is successful - Seriously. Fact is, people gobble that style of music up. And more importantly... it's just fucking music - if you don't like it, listen to something else.

I don't know... I guess I really don't have the "political standing" here to be making such bold posts, but this thread was fucking embarrassing for me to even read. :erk:
Heya guys,

Just want to add that, I asked that rules be put in place as a baseline on what can "go" or not around here, so I can step in as well as needed.

This area of the forum is an amazing resource for you guys, lurkers, you name it. It shouldn't be subject (off-topic or not) to insulting and downing other members, it really serves no purpose at all.

I've seen things like this go unchecked, and it doesn't turn out well. So, based on proven history of how it ends up, I imagine most of you won't have any issues here and the ones that can't keep their insults/tempers in check will be the ones that get weeded out over time.

So with that, carry on :)

Owen/James you guys should take your spat to private or email please, thanks!