New Attack Attack song

Seth Munson

How do Amber Lamps?
Dec 1, 2009
Colorado Springs
has anyone else heard this yet?
Myspace link

The guitars sound fucking ridiculous
I honestly think these are the best sounding guitars Joey has done.

the song is alot better than their last album IMO, glad there is no more auto-tune and they do sound a little more mature now.

what are you guy's thoughts?
I'm actually not a huge fan of these guitars. They are a bit too loud and dark.
I think it's an amazing thing for Joey that this crabcore gimmick caught on like wildfire. We may joke about it being horrendous music, but undoubtedly it has skyrocketed his renown. No such thing as bad publicity and all that.

I still laugh at a bunch of 15 year olds getting 32 million listens, but hard working musicians over here struggling for decades to get something in the several thousand mark. Funny industry it is.
I could probably tolerate listening to this if I had to. Not something I would go out and purchase immediately though. Fantastic work by Joey though.
They are not "christian" anymore.
They posted in a blog that they were losing the christian aspect.

I suppose it was just a gimmick to get themselves signed.

Everyone knows that all the labels LOVE double-pedal jesus metal.
So they aren't Christian anymore . . . OK. (I'll assume they're still Christians themselves) Yeah I had to ask, I'm not a fan so I don't read AA's blog. Just certain things I heard while I gave them a listen.

anyways what happen to no autotune? It's not extreme but I think I hear it.
:eek: I seriously wasnt expecting this. Still not "great" music, feel it's a bit average but still a huge step from the previous work. I bet they released their previous album just to get attention and now *bam*.