New Burzum Album

Dec 27, 2004

Varg said:
Can people expect you to release any more music after you are released?

Probably. The future albums, if I ever record anything, will as far as I can tell sound much like the old albums, whether I like it or not, because I am incapable of making music that doesn't sound rather "burzumic". :) I fear it might not be too original or different from old Burzum, as I wanted it to be, but I guess there are people who think that is just fine too. And on the other hand it is not very surprising that I still make music that sounds much like my own music..
Norwegian my pals said:
You once stated that "metal is my pals music", do you still believe this to be true?

Yes and no. I think the metal culture is my pals culture, in the sense that the traditional metal people look like, behave like and think like a bunch of "white my pals". It's (at least often) an extremely primitive, unintelligent and pointless subculture, like all rock 'n roll subcultures are. I too listened to metal music, but I never behaved like a my pals just because of that, and I don't understand what the point with this metal subculture is. Smoking pot or getting drunk, sleeping around and giving each other venereal diseases, partying all the time, going to concerts to meet other vacuum-heads, and so forth. What's the point? Even bush-my pals can be more sensible and constructive, and deeper than that.

The true attraction people have to this particular subculture is probably something else, like contempt for the modern world, fascination for death and the gothic, romanticism and even Pagan values, but it all becomes so very wrong when mixed with traditional rock 'n roll or heavy metal culture.
hahahaha this dude sucks ass.
Smoking pot or getting drunk, sleeping around and giving each other venereal diseases, partying all the time, going to concerts to meet other vacuum-heads, and so forth. What's the point?

Uhm ... it's called enjoying life ... otherwise it's you and your thoughts and next thing you know you stab your bandmates ...
haha, how fitting, i was just rereading some parts from lords of chaos...varg believes life on earth was started by aliens. lunatic fringe, man. there's something about him i find inherently unlikeable...i mean, other than the nazism :rolleyes:
cthulufhtagn said:
haha, how fitting, i was just rereading some parts from lords of chaos...varg believes life on earth was started by aliens. lunatic fringe, man. there's something about him i find inherently unlikeable...i mean, other than the nazism :rolleyes:

You read Lords of Chaos and didn't realize it was bullshit? go there and read the essays he just wrote on burzum, parts 1 and 2, it will open a lot of eyes.
Some of the content of Lords of Chaos, particularly that section regarding one of Varg's various interpretations of mythology have been grossly exaggerated by Moynihan.

Edit: As a run-down of the content of that specific music scene at that point of time and how it came about it's not bad, however there are sections that have had far too much emphasis placed on and some of it, such as that section of the book, is a manipulation of quotes to alter the meaning of what he was trying to say.
yeah well it's not like i'm basing my life philosophy on lords of chaos, i don't particularly give a shit if it's accurate and i don't really care what varg thinks anyway. he's written some good music, but i disagree with his philosophy regardless of how much sense it may make to some.
Lords of Chaos is a very poor representation of Varg's philosophy.

In fact, I'm unsure why Moynihan presented that way, as I'm sure that the two of them are quite similar on the ideological level (at least presently, may not have been when the book was originally written so I could be off)
ok, well my interpretation of varg's philosophy isn't based on lords of chaos either. i'm just generally not down with the ideas he promotes. while i don't entirely reject it out of hand (i agree with the environmentalist concepts for example) and i enjoy some of his music (another matter entirely) i don't subscribe to most of his agenda and he seems fittingly self-righteous, in the extreme.
lurch70 said:
Uhm ... it's called enjoying life ... otherwise it's you and your thoughts and next thing you know you stab your bandmates ...
Yes, but greater art stems from that, so it's a bit of a toss-up