New forum theme

*heart attack*

No, but seriously this looks very nice! I was just so used to the old look I had a serious WTF moment but this is not bad at all, it's good to shake things up a bit sometimes. Just not too often. ;)
I don't think you need to do much about the UMOS banner, just leave the one on the left or maybe put it in the center. The colors actually already fit in remarkably well.

I like it better than the old colour scheme. It's actually easier on the eyes (when reading) IMO.
I am changing the UM forum theme. I will find a way to get the banner somehow represented back on top. It will be a different way, but I'll try to get it in there.

Feedback on the new theme welcome!
Almost shit a brick when I first arrived! It was quite the shock, but I really like it. I'm socked in with website work right now, Deron, but I'll be freed up soon and I can work with you on making adjustments to the banner if need be. The biggest challenge is designing for all the different resolutions. Some old dinosaurs still use 800x600, but most people are at 1024 and up (For me, at 1280 the Google ad covers up both versions of the OLD SCHOOL verbage). If you have any ideas on how I can adjust the size and layout of the banner to fit the new layout, be sure to let me know.

I want to make sure UMOS still looks kick ass!
This is funny... Last night I noticed the Old School section was moved up a few spaces

Yeah I discover that too and I thought we were promoted for good behavior :lol:

Again, love the new look :rock:

NP: Beyond The Labyrinth - 'Unholy War'
Yipes, I just realized that I have not visited for a month! :cry:

The site looks great!:rock:
Almost shit a brick when I first arrived! It was quite the shock, but I really like it. I'm socked in with website work right now, Deron, but I'll be freed up soon and I can work with you on making adjustments to the banner if need be. The biggest challenge is designing for all the different resolutions. Some old dinosaurs still use 800x600, but most people are at 1024 and up (For me, at 1280 the Google ad covers up both versions of the OLD SCHOOL verbage). If you have any ideas on how I can adjust the size and layout of the banner to fit the new layout, be sure to let me know.

I want to make sure UMOS still looks kick ass!

I once wrote a code that automaticly adjusts image backgrounds to the resolution that a person uses but I lost it when I formatted my pc a few months ago and I haven't had time to make it again
Haha! Go team! Hehe.

Thanks for the feedback everyone! It's always a big deal changing things up, especially since this site has ben the same since it launched!

Hey Deron :)

I TOTALLY love the new look! Blue's my favorite too and I love the new logo as well. Will there be new shirts with this? My old one is pretty worn down anyway ;)

But.. it's not true that it's been the same since it launched! When I signed up it was blue and I remember how much I loved and how awful I thought it was when not much later the red and yellow came, I've always hated that color scheme for some reason! Esp. compared to the cool blue.. And the logo was more metal before the last one too, but I can't remember how exactly it looked. I'm glad this one is more "metal" again! :rock:
Now all you have to do is repair the 10 most recent script (the paths aren't correct anymore, but you've probably noticed that) and I'm all happy :kickass:
I once wrote a code that automaticly adjusts image backgrounds to the resolution that a person uses but I lost it when I formatted my pc a few months ago and I haven't had time to make it again
I tried out a script once that did that, but it actually stretched the image, therefore distorting it. That's fine for some designs, but we wouldn't want to distort the faces of our heroes. My solution is generally to create a very wide image (1500+) pixels with the most important elements appearing in the first 800-1024 pixels so everyone can see them, and less important elements filling out the rest.
Thanks everyone!

Marlies let me check into the script, I didn't know! I think there are two versions, maybe yours isthe old one I will send you the newer one.

Oh and the older blue/logo - I had no idea! I must have came after that or something I will have to ask Mark, just to see haha.
I tried out a script once that did that, but it actually stretched the image, therefore distorting it. That's fine for some designs, but we wouldn't want to distort the faces of our heroes. My solution is generally to create a very wide image (1500+) pixels with the most important elements appearing in the first 800-1024 pixels so everyone can see them, and less important elements filling out the rest.

nice solution. I never had a chance to try it on too big resolutions so I wouldn't know if mine did...
Thanks everyone!

Marlies let me check into the script, I didn't know! I think there are two versions, maybe yours isthe old one I will send you the newer one.

Oh and the older blue/logo - I had no idea! I must have came after that or something I will have to ask Mark, just to see haha.

Two versions of the script? *checks Evergrey site* ... ah I see the links on your main page work, the links in the interactive page don't show, that must be the same code (php include) you gave me. Since a few days (at most) they don't show anything anymore, before, they used to point to the new paths and gave the right titles, but not on ultimate metal but on your own page, so you couldn't go to the posts/forum that way.

According to our join dates you were here a few months before me.. you really don't remember? Anyone else? But yeah, maybe Mark still has an old logo :lol:
Deron, this is fuckin' ace!

Oh, how I loathed the previous red & yellow...

The only issue (as already noted) is the google ad bar over the OS banner. But it must be beer 'o clock now, so grab yourself a cold one and feel satisfied.

For those that liked the old colors, you can select the red theme from the lower left drop down box now.

By allowing to select between the themes, I have to figure out some way to get that Old School banner in there now. Back to the labs!