New GTA trailer

the best gaming experience of my life was GTA III - the first 3 weeks playing it 6 or 7 years ago

man it was just unreal playing it, I couldn't believe all the shit you could do IN A VIDEOGAME

yeah, when i first played gta 3 i played it for so many hours it was outrageous, i was blown away by all the stuff you could do. then vice city came out and the story was so much more developed and i was still blown away with that game, but by the time san andreas came out i finished the main story and was actually pretty underwhelmed. the ability to do whatever, whenever, wherever has really lost its edge and even when first playing vice city compared to 3 was a little bit less of a surprise. rockstar is going to really need to do something different and amazing to bring back the feeling of playing gta 3 for the first time.
the best gaming experience of my life was GTA III - the first 3 weeks playing it 6 or 7 years ago

man it was just unreal playing it, I couldn't believe all the shit you could do IN A VIDEOGAME
Exactly. I never got this feeling from any of the following games. It was comparable to the first time playing Super Mario 64, when it fucking blows your mind how great it is to play in a 3D world for the first time.

I always thought GTA games should have some sort of mission replay feature. Once in a while there would be a really fun mission, or one that you could have a good time messing around on, and the only way to get to it would be to play the game again, or to create a save at that point. I can't see how a mission select menu would be so hard to implement.
well dan houser made the claim that the difference from SA To GTA IV will be comparable to the difference between GTA II to GTA III (or 3d)

honestly, I'm not sure whether to believe him or not. The info we have heard so far doesn't make it sound like this game is going to be a huge leap, but then again, we have received very little info about gameplay/story etc... mostly we have seen alot of pics and heard alot of technical details.

Technically speaking, this game should be a massive achiement. But R* really needs to deliver with the gameplay and story.
when he says the leap is comparable from gta 2 to gta 3 i sincerely doubt it. nothing could top going from 2d into 3d. everything was different and thats what made gta 3 famous mostly. what could possibly be more groundbreaking than going from only seeing from above your head into seeing the entire world?
HA! A game where the characters are jews! Carlos Mencia should do a show about that! Because the idea is just so fraught with hilarity, that is!

Hehehehe... Jews! What makes your idea funnier if that you keep talking about it! Hehehe... Where do you come up with this shit?

edit: I can't stop laughing about the insanley hilarious idea of JEWS (JEWS, of all people!) being in a video game that I think I need to go to the hospital (from all the laughing).

If you werent such a boring mass of flab you might actually find some of this funny, instead of using stupid sarcasm.
If you werent such a boring mass of flab you might actually find some of this funny, instead of using stupid sarcasm.

In actuality, one might find "lol what if the characters were JEWISH!" funny if they had a lowly, juvenile and shitty sense of humor, which apparently you do. The "hey lets take a game / movie / TV show / vocation and replace the people who traditionally do those things with someone of a different ethnicity" style of joking is as fucking tired and clichè and "yo mama" and "knock knock" jokes. It's tantamount to saying "Heh heh... hey, guys, you know how the President is a man? Well, I bet if a WOMAN was president, she'd, like... totally declare war on people when she was on her period! Or like get makeup and flour all over the Oval Office!", or "White people drive like this, but Black people drive like this".

In other words, it would be funny if the same fucking joke hadn't already been told about a million times by Carlos Mencia alone. You probably find it funny because you're too busy being trapped in the 80's retro hair metal acid wash jeans slap braclet time warp that you live in.
In actuality, one might find "lol what if the characters were JEWISH!" funny if they had a lowly, juvenile and shitty sense of humor, which apparently you do. The "hey lets take a game / movie / TV show / vocation and replace the people who traditionally do those things with someone of a different ethnicity" style of joking is as fucking tired and clichè and "yo mama" and "knock knock" jokes. It's tantamount to saying "Heh heh... hey, guys, you know how the President is a man? Well, I bet if a WOMAN was president, she'd, like... totally declare war on people when she was on her period! Or like get makeup and flour all over the Oval Office!", or "White people drive like this, but Black people drive like this".

In other words, it would be funny if the same fucking joke hadn't already been told about a million times by Carlos Mencia alone. You probably find it funny because you're too busy being trapped in the 80's retro hair metal acid wash jeans slap braclet time warp that you live in.

I hated Vice City almost entirley because of the setting. I just hated that city so much. It was layed out in such a retarded way. It was annoying to get anywhere, and you were ALWAYS driving up and down the same two roads and it got so monotonous. I wasn't crazy about any of the characters or the storyline, and I really didn't like very many of the missions, especially the whole "properties" aspect of the game. But mostly it was the city.

And maybe it was just us, but my brother and I always thought the cops in VC were a lot more aggressive in VC as compared to the other games. Anyone else notice that? It seemed like if the cops got on you, you were fucked, and they got on you for fucking everything.

Odd. I love that city and always could get around it without even looking at the map.

...this might have had to do with the fact that I played it practically nonstop until I beat it. But whatever.