I do that EVERYTIME. I always take the floyd rose out of the guitar (physically) and take it all apart (saddles and all), give it thorough cleaning and screw everything back together and put the floyd back into guitar. All in all, the guitar is without the strings for about an hour or more if I also polish the frets, and there is NEVER any damage done to the guitar. I put the the strings back on, stretch them and tune them up to pitch. Floyd is NEVER out of balance and I NEVER have to set intonation or ANYTHING else on the floyd rose. Guitar is automatically set-up perfect. NO DAMAGE AT ALL. That is ofcourse if I restring the floyd with the same gauge and brand string. If not, then it needs some minor adjustments, but it's not a big deal. The whole floyd thing is pretty easy to understand..just look at it and you'll se how it works

How often do you change your strings? I change them every 3 months or so, depending on activity.
IMO its useless to get the bridge out of the guitar and clean it.
And i've said it before. When i intonated the guitar and balance the floyd, i changed it to a DIFFERENT tuning and DIFFERENT gauge and DIFFERENT brand.
I did NOT say you ARE damaging your guitar.
Arvoitus said:
And i've heard, that if you remove all your tension from your neck by removing the strings. You could damage your neck. But i really dont know this for sure.
I didnt state it, i said it COULD be but i dont know for sure. So dont blaim me that i said it.
what are you talking about?1 step higer?do you mean that you tune (6th to 1st)DADGBE(or in normal words dropped D tuning)?in that case you'd be tuning the 6th one step down.as you say the tuning would be FADGBE,and I this would be quite an unusual tuning,as ,for example,to play a power chord you'd have to play (6th,5th,4th) frets 1,5,5,for example.I assume that you'd be playing dropped D tunning,and in that case it's better to take the 6th string of more gauge(for a 009-042 change to a 009-046 or 009-052 and for a 010-046 a 010-52 or a 010-56),because with the dropped tunnings what happens is that the 6th string has less tenssion compared to the others,and to avoid that,is usual to get the 6th string of extra gauge so when you tune all the strings have similar tension and the 6th string doesn't ''dance'' whenever you play it or keep getting out of tune.
No, i dont mean that.
Look, if you just changed your strings on your FR guitar.
Your strings arent on tension, so they are (FOR EXAMPLE) an octave below.
1. You tune your high E string, so it is on tune.
2. You tune the other E/A/D/G/B strings.
3. And when you check out the high E string again it is out of tune.
4. So you tune the high E string again.
5. And when you check the other E/A/D/G/B strings, they are out of tune AGAIN.
6. So then you keep tuning and keep tuning and keep tuning, untill it dont gets out of tune.
My method:
1. Remove only the high E string, and replace it with a new one.
2. Tune the high E string.
3. Then remove the B string, replace the B string and tune the B string.
4. Then remove the G string, replace the G string and tune the G string.
5. Etc, etc.
I dont care how YOU do it, but this method works the best for me.