DISCLAIMER: I know nobody really cares, and I know this is really quite trivial compared to people's real problems. But basically, long story short - things were cool until this girl came on a bit strong, I distanced myself from her for a couple of weeks, we didn't speak (I didn't ignore her or anything) until I realised I missed her and I thought it was a shame we weren't seeing each other. We saw each other a few weeks back, it was cool, and that was that - since then she has no time for me and, well, I fucked up. Proper miss her man(s). I've told her how I feel and I've laid it all out there (something I don't usually do - open myself up to getting hurt - but it was worth it to me) ...and now, well, I have to just get over it. And I HATE it.
EDIT: P.S. Happy Birthday Keenan, love you man x