(New) Love/Hate Thread

Yeah guys, moving DOES suck. Especially in London, and especially when you have as much shit as I do haha ...rooms are small, and prices are high. But alas, I guess that's what I get for living in the nation's capital!

On the plus,

Love: booked my train up to see Evile on Saturday. Ticket is in the mail... really looking forward to it!!

Hate: left it so late to organise everything all the hotels and stuff in Manchester are SO fucking expensive I'm taking a night coach back down to London straight after the show.

But fuck it, it'll be worth it!
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It'll totally be worth it! Have a great time! :kickass:

Love : Woke up early and played the Battlefield 2042 beta before work. It's cool but it's definitely a beta and I'm REALLY glad they delayed the launch because it definitely would've launched like this and been a disaster.
Also love : Even though I don't play it, seeing Sora for Super Smash is awesome. The 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts stuff has me going crazy, too. :lol:
Hate : Sleeping like shit, but what else is new. :lol:
Hate: been very sick the last two weeks it was horrible i still feel not so good as i used to be. I fucking hate this time right now.
This plague caught me on my birthday and didn't let me go and exactly in that time i also had so much bullshit going on but don't wanna talk about here it all has to do with this situation we have to deal with at the moment it's all a mess.

Love: Life goes on
^Being sick is always bad. Especially these days. Hope you get better soon!

Love : Started playing The Last Guardian. Yes, I know I'm a few years late. This game is amazing, so far, though!
Also love : Friday is gonna be awesome. New Dream Theater comes out and I'm gonna schedule my 15 year sabbatical for the month of December. I'll be on vacation from November 27th until January 3rd!!
Hate : Restarting Dark Souls 3 and being constantly invaded. The game is five years old. Why am I getting invaded every five minutes?!
love: Halloween is my favorite holiday so been watching a ton of horror movies, 23/31 for the month so far.
hate: sitting down to actually write the last song needed for my album sucks and i'm tired of it :( I just want it to be done already. Maybe it'll still drop in December? who knows at this point

Also whoops, haven't been on here in a bit. How y'all doin?
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Love: Feel alot better already after listening to some albums i haven't listened for longer. It always brings back memories.
I still feel weak and tired anyhow because i didn't the fucking sleep i needed to fully recover it fucking sucks but ten times better than last week and iam really thankful for that still.
Iam at least glad that "freezing cold feeling" is finally over.

Hate: Being blocked for 30 days (!!) on Face fcking book!! because i wrote "Sieg Heil" in a post it was just a stupid meme i wanted to react with my kind of humor never meant serious of course and i fall into the trap. How stupid is that? i only use it occasionally probably 2 days in a week then i totally shut it off. But
still what kind of wankers are working there? iam so angry and frustrated about all this crap happening there.
It seems they really want to bring me out of the way anyhow lol.
^Glad to hear you're feeling better! :kickass:

Love : New Dream Theater <3
Also love : I scheduled my 15 year sabbatical at work. I'll be on vacation for the entire month of December!! :kickass:
Not really "love" but also not really "hate" : Reinstalled Fallout 76 and it... isn't... terrible anymore?
Hate : Not really all that much right at the moment.
Love: listened to 12/15 tracks for the new Mastodon as I’m posting this and DAMN. This album is fucking GREAT. Damn.
Hate: been having nonstop awful nightmares lately which sucks
Any recommendations for Halloween movies, @Darkofeden ? Glad to hear you are feeling better, @I-TEND-TO-DIE , maybe a name change is in order? I-Tend-to-Live?:lol:

Love:Have a 3 day weekend planned. Planned a weekend trip to California for Veteran's Day weekend. I plan on hugging a Redwood Tree, eating fancy cheese, and drinking a lot of wine!

Hate: Not really hate, but while I love working from home and doing virtual learning, especially since I heard face-to-face school is a shit show this year, I wish the students and parents who signed up for online learning would actually do the online learning. I sent over 80 emails last week about students not doing any work or attending live sessions and only received 3 replies from parents. At this point, I am over it. Fuck them, they signed up for this shit, I'm not going to harass them and make them do the work.
Any recommendations for Halloween movies, @Darkofeden ?

I got plenty :lol: just sorta depends on what you're looking for! Both my all time favorite spooky movie and my all time favorite movie itself is the 82 version of The Thing (love the irony of saying that on an evile forum), if you want a funnier one then Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a great one, if you want a more weird modern one then The Lighthouse is fantastic, if you want a modern jump scare one then i'd recommend Sinister. Always got plenty of recs

Love: technically finished the 31 movies in october, i'm at 34 at the moment and i'm likely to finish with at least 36 or 37 since there's two more I am 100% watching and I might fit in another. The new Mastodon is also so fuckin great, also having fun since my dad is up visiting for his birthday
Hate: work continues on the final song of the album and it's not going terrible honestly but i'm also not finished
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I got plenty :lol: just sorta depends on what you're looking for! Both my all time favorite spooky movie and my all time favorite movie itself is the 82 version of The Thing (love the irony of saying that on an evile forum), if you want a funnier one then Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a great one, if you want a more weird modern one then The Lighthouse is fantastic, if you want a modern jump scare one then i'd recommend Sinister. Always got plenty of recs

Love: technically finished the 31 movies in october, i'm at 34 at the moment and i'm likely to finish with at least 36 or 37 since there's two more I am 100% watching and I might fit in another. The new Mastodon is also so fuckin great, also having fun since my dad is up visiting for his birthday
Hate: work continues on the final song of the album and it's not going terrible honestly but i'm also not finished

I saw Killer Klowns years ago! Watched The Lighthouse last year and didn't quite understand it. Also, didn't need all the jerking off scenes. I lost my privilege to choose movies to watch for a month after selecting that movie on Amazon last year! A few of my favorites are Drag Me to Hell, In the Mouth of Madness, Dusk to Dawn.
Actually kind of love : Fallout 76. Game is actually really fun now?
Also love : Mastodon. Gonna go through Hushed and Grim tonight!
Also also love : The new Magic set spoilers have begun and there are some awesome new cards!
Hate : Halloween.
I saw Killer Klowns years ago! Watched The Lighthouse last year and didn't quite understand it. Also, didn't need all the jerking off scenes. I lost my privilege to choose movies to watch for a month after selecting that movie on Amazon last year! A few of my favorites are Drag Me to Hell, In the Mouth of Madness, Dusk to Dawn.

Totally fair on the Lighthouse, I absolutely love it but it's not for everyone. Mouth of Madness is fantastic, haven't seen your other two favorites though, I might look into those!

Actually kind of love : Fallout 76. Game is actually really fun now?

Fallout 76 is shockingly fun now compared to launch day, I put like 200 hours into it in like a week and a half when I got it on steam again recently.

Love: DUNE. I saw it in theaters last night with my dad and DAMN. I could have watched 5 more hours of that. Also saw No Time To Die two days ago with him and also loved it. It's been fun going to the movies again, I really missed it. Also work on the final song needed for my album is going super well now and i'm so happy.
Hate: not much, I actually had a great weekend which I really needed :)
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^I was joking with a friend that we should redownload it and see what's changed because they had a big patch recently. Little did we know, we'd actually enjoy it. :lol: Currently level 35. This game now feels what it should have felt like at launch. An actual Fallout MMO. So fun!

Love : Lots of new music this year... and still more to come!
Also love : It's November... which means it's time for me to count down the days until my 15 year sabbatical!
Hate : Not much right at the moment.
Love: Feel alot better. All the stress and anxiety i had last three weeks is gone maybe only for a while but i have the strong feeling now things are getting finaly better. Esp. with the flu it seems it has vanished still sometimes i feel very cold.

Hate: Fucking money issues. Should also stop with beer (it hasn't anything to do with the "money issues" ;)) It gets on my nerves..everytime the hangover
love: FINISHED ALL THE SONGS NEEDED FOR MY ALBUM. IT MAY ACTUALLY GET TO COME OUT IN DECEMBER LIKE I WANT IT TO. AHHHH. Trying to get cover art commissioned at the moment, and once that's done all I need to do is tweak some things with each songs and I can get to work on distribution.

hate: not a lot at the moment, beside seasonal depression. I LOVE winter but woof it does a number on me
Love : Two weeks remaining until my sabbatical starts
Kind of love/not sure yet : I started painting again this morning.
Hate : Been in a shit mood since I woke up yesterday. I had a horrible dream and it's still fucking with me. :\
Woof I haven’t been here in a bit, been so busy working on album stuff it slipped my mind

love: get to announce the whole thing later today more than likely. excited yet terrified
hate: I uh. Still need a song title for one of em. Here’s hoping one just magically comes to mind
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Love: Long Holiday weekend. Finally got paid for the extra class I have been teaching since August. New Exodus is pretty good. Don't think it will top Bonded by Blood or Tempo of the Damned, but it is better than the Atrocity Albums.

Hate: Parents and kids getting shitty with me near the end of the semester. They didn't give a shit for 16 weeks but now they suddenly care. What a bunch of jerks. Pulled a muscle or bruised a rib doing a mundane task on Sunday. Shit is still sore.