(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: Mini vacation to Chicago was fun. Saw a Cubs' game from the Wrigley Rooftops across the street and got to meet my wife's brother for the first time. Have seen some tour announcements for the fall.
Hate: Fucking summer weather...forgot how bad summer heat and humidity can be...walked nearly 7 miles one day in Chicago with swamp ass. The AirBnB we booked near Wrigley was a dump. Stayed there one night and then found a hotel because it was so gross. Return to Vegas for another heatwave...I went out to swim in the pool Thursday evening and the pool temp was above 90 degrees!

Apparently Covid is over....I had my kn95 mask on the plane and in the airports and I saw a lot of sloppy mask wearing. Public transportation in Chicago still required masks but otherwise there are few masks being worn. Even got heckled for wearing a mask near Wrigley Field.
Yeah, most people here have dropped wearing them at all, vaccinated or not. We've even stopped wearing them at work. It's nice to be able to breathe normally but I'm having difficulty with people seeing my face/expressions again. :lol:

Love : Mass Effect. Neck deep in ME3 at the moment. Words cannot express my love for this series.
Hate : A coworker of 14 years had his last day on Friday. I'm still upset. :(
Love/Hate : Turned 31 yesterday...

This information is not helping the bad mood I've found myself in for the last week or so. :lol:
Happy Birthday Keenan!

Love: Doing replay of Skyrim on PS4..crazy to think I first played the dark brotherhood and thieves' guild quests nearly a decade ago.

Hate: Where the hell is Elder Scrolls VI? :lol: Want to replay Fallout New Vegas but the available version on playstation network does not include any of the DLC.
Oh shit happy late birthday Keenan!!

Love: Loki was real cool, surprisingly.
Hate: been havin a tough time lately but i'm doin well enough now
Happy Birthday Keenan! Man, we're all getting a little old around here now aren't we :lol:

Love: Life seems to be slowly returning back to "normal" here ...also love I'm still only having to work 3 days a week (enjoying it while it lasts...!)
Hate: Spent a lot of money over the past month or so. Got carried away with the pubs and restaurants reopening and went overboard a bit on the whole social life / general consumption. I blame the football..... for the fact that my bank account is SAD right now.
Thanks, guys!

Love : Katatonia announced a new album!
Hate : Work drama has me feeling dead inside. The last two days have been ROUGH.
Love: Bought a 'ticket' to that 40th Anniversary stream that Anthrax did and damn that shit was great. Proceeded to spend the next 7 hours ripping it so I could split it up and put it on my phone to listen to
Hate: that it took so long :lol:
^I meant to do the same thing for that Mastodon aquarium show over the weekend but I forgot. :(

Love/Hate : Near the end of Mass Effect 3. Only have the Citadel DLC left. I'm not ready to end this series again. :(
^I meant to do the same thing for that Mastodon aquarium show over the weekend but I forgot. :(

I did too, but, thankfully they put it up for another couple of hours so I was able to rip it! I can't put up the video since I don't have a ton of space on my google drive, but i'm definitely gonna put up the audio for me and a friend. Would you want the link to that when i'm done cutting it up?
I was actually more interested in the video than the audio, so I'll have to pass. Thanks for the offer, though! :kickass:

Love : Finished Mass Effect 3. I've since gone down the rabbit hole of fan art, music video tributes and best of compilations on Youtube. Series is so great. (Except for Andromeda. Fuck that game.)
Hate : Work is killing me right now. I've just been shit on for the past two weeks. I'm so tired of it. My dad, two brothers and one of my sisters are also sick, so that doesn't help my current mood either.
I was actually more interested in the video than the audio, so I'll have to pass. Thanks for the offer, though! :kickass:

Did have a change of plans, I am currently uploading the video too. Would you want that?

love: not a ton, kind of eh lately. Starting reading 1984 so I guess that's cool
hate: my mom is back in the apartment which is a bit of a bummer. missed being alone most of the day
Stone Cold used to be my absolute favorite wrestler since my name is Austin :lol: Hope you enjoyed the show, it's absolutely great

Love: Currently playing gears 5 with a buddy, we played 1, watched 2 and 3 on youtube since they're not on pc and did 4 yesterday. He's never played them before so it's been a blast
Hate: Not a ton at this exact moment
Love: Received my welcome/start of the new school year letter from my new school. I am going to be able to work from home 4 days a week this upcoming school year! I am elated that I don't have to worry about stepping into a classroom with 35+ 8th graders in about two weeks.
Enjoyed a short trip back to Indiana last week. It was good to see my brother and my parents. Went to Kuma's in Indianapolis and had the Metallica Burger!

Hate: Nevada put a mask mandate back into place starting Friday. I never stopped wearing my mask after getting vaccinated and I feel like all those anti masker and anti vaccine people have fucked us and caused us to end up back in a mask mandate.
^Nike just reinstated our mask mandate at work. Shit sucks to wear again, especially when I, being fully vaccinated, am not part of the problem. We also reinstated our strict 100 person in-store limit for the coming tax-free/back to school week. There are about to be some maaaaaaad people this weekend. :lol:

Love : Got tickets to see Dream Theater in December!!
Hate : Not knowing if that show will actually happen...
Fingers crossed for ya Keenan!

Love: New Megadeth album probably isn't THAT far off... tentatively titled 'The Sick, the Dying and the Dead' ...there's a snippet of a riff at the end of this video... sounds awesome, but I know I'm biased :lol:

Hate: Grazed my knee real bad playing football last week (like, proper deep turf burn). It's not healing so well. Nurse has me using hydrocolloid dressings and they're fucking WEIRD. She also promised me it wasn't infected but if I wasn't choosing to trust the professionals I'd totally think it was :lol:
Every time there's a new Megadeth album there's always some random video with a cool riff and it always convinces me like, "oh shit! this one is gonna be killer!" and then the album comes out and it ends up being one of the only cool parts of the album. Their last one was certainly better than Super Collider but that was an unbelievably low bar. This riff does sound cool but i'm gonna remain ultra skeptical until the whole thing is out

Love: Got a secret Labs chair! This thing is absolutely wild, $400 chair but it feels worth every penny so far. The pc port to Days Gone is also fantastic, having a blast playing the game for the second time
Hate: All my family just left after visiting for the weekend, so now i'm back to doing nothing all day
Love : Disco Elysium. Getting close to the end of the game and OH MY GOD this game is amazing. Definitely deserving of all the raise it gets. Story, characters and music are all insanely high quality.
Hate : How people act during tax-free week. People just lose their shit over 6%. It's never made sense to me and it never will.
Every time there's a new Megadeth album there's always some random video with a cool riff and it always convinces me like, "oh shit! this one is gonna be killer!" and then the album comes out and it ends up being one of the only cool parts of the album. Their last one was certainly better than Super Collider but that was an unbelievably low bar. This riff does sound cool but i'm gonna remain ultra skeptical until the whole thing is out

Fair enough! Kind of wild to compare Dystopia (which I loved, and would argue is as good as anything post mid-90s) to Super Collider, which is one of the only two Megadeth albums I genuinely dislike.

EDIT: The Blackest Crow is kind of cool :lol: !!