(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: Returnal and Resident Evil 8 are absolutely fantastic so far. Almost done with Returnal, and like half through RE8?
Hate: not a ton. I had a good birthday the other day so not much to complain about (it was the 4th, forgot to mention it on here, i'm 26 now yay.)
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Happy birthday! How's Resident Evil? Loved RE7 and the weekend demos for RE8. Will probably get it in a month or two. Returnal looked really interesting until I saw the gameplay and realized it was some sort of rogue-like thing. Not into that. Too much grindy stuff. :lol:

Love : Battlefield V is free with Playstation Plus this month. Installed it fully expecting to not like it like BF1 and the Star Wars Battlefront games. BOY WAS I WRONG. THIS GAME IS GREAT. Had a great time playing online with friends last night. Took me back to 2014 playing BF4 with the same friends after getting a PS4 for Destiny. Seems like so long ago...
Hate : Not too much at the moment, actually.
Thanks to you both!

I just finished RE8 and honestly it's my favorite out of all of them. A wild mix of 7 and 4 in the best of ways. I usually absolutely despite rogue like games and permadeath stuff and yet I'm loving returnal. Trying to finish the final level of it now

Love: RE8 and Returnal, like god damn wow wow
Hate: not a ton right now which is nice. feeling alright

edit: just kidding, I'm absolutely done with Returnal. 95% through the game and I just cannot get past this bit so i'm deleting it and i'll come back to it another day
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Bit late but, happy birthday!

Love: FINALLY! Just bagged myself a copy of the All Hallows Eve EP. One of my "holy grails" and I didn't have to break the bank to get it so, I'm a happy man this afternoon.

Hate: Work sucked yesterday

Glad I have a few days off now though.
Love: Weather's getting warmer, which is always nice. Might start going out on walks again.
Hate: Super tired. Wound up waking up at 6am cuz my uncle said something incredibly insensitive regarding my grandparents and my dad lost his shit. Never seen him this angry.

Hate: not a ton. I had a good birthday the other day so not much to complain about (it was the 4th, forgot to mention it on here, i'm 26 now yay.)

Happy belated bday big man!
Thank you to you both as well :)

Love: FINALLY! Just bagged myself a copy of the All Hallows Eve EP. One of my "holy grails" and I didn't have to break the bank to get it so, I'm a happy man this afternoon.

Oh I am jealous, out of the two demo/ep's that's the one I really want since I still listen to The Living Dead all the time

Love: Got a new couch for my room today and i'm loving it. Should have the new computer chair I got coming tomorrow so I'm super super excited for that since it'll be nice to have for Friday when the Mass Effect remaster drops
Hate: That to get to friday I gotta go through this dumb ass inspection thing in my apartment building first but at least that'll only take like 5 minutes at least
^ I am SO ready for Mass Effect. :lol:

Love : Finished New Pokemon Snap. Was taking pictures of legendaries after the credits were over. Some all time favorite legendaries are in it as are some... questionable choices. Either way, got some cool pictures.
Hate : Target and Wal-Mart have stopped selling trading cards because people in this world are becoming increasingly ridiculous every passing day.
Love: God damn this MA remaster slaps! I got it on PC so I could play with mouse keyboard/mods/higher fps and DAMN this is the superior way to place this. First time replaying the series since I only played it once before while I was waiting for Andromeda and it makes me so glad I waited this long to replay it
Hate: working on music lately isn't going super well but i'll get it
IT'S SO GOOD. True, the gameplay is super dated (In ME1 so far) and some of the voice acting/facial animations aren't the best but GOD DAMN I love this series. :lol:

Love : Timecop 1983, Mass Effect
Hate : Haven't gotten the vaccine shot yet and I really should...
LOVE/HATE: This box set. Looks awesome... but cassettes? I know they've regained popularity in the underground over the past few years but... nah. If it was vinyl or CDs I'd be more interested... would cost even more though (this is $249.99 as is) :lol: maybe that's a factor...



Still, I don't do tapes.
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As someone who collects vinyl and gets that it's a bit silly to collect, if you collect tapes then fuck you. They sound so awful :lol: I just don't get it

Love: Mass Effect, finished song 6 for the album!! so i'm hyped on that
Hate: Still can't think of a new artist name :(
I'm just thinking about the cost of production for this. I get that people like collecting rarities and stuff but at least with vinyl they could get some use. Cassettes just seem like a money sink at this point.

I also wanna get the Mass Effect collection, since I played the first two a few years ago but never got to play through 3 for some reason. But I'm being cheap and just wanna save some money for the time being too.

Love: My copy of Hell Unleashed came in. They really did a tribute in to Dave, that's a chief move.
Hate: Got an ear infection last week. I got some meds on Sunday to counter it but now I'm dealing with the resulting vertigo. I can't even go to the kitchen for a few minutes before my legs go "peace out big man" and I almost fall to the floor.
I don't get the appeal of tapes either. Like, what's the point? CD, vinyl and digital all sound better and are easier to listen to. Who even has a tape player these days?

Love/Hate : Got my first covid vaccine shot on Sunday, which is good. The resulting ache fucked me up pretty bad yesterday, though. Thankfully, it's gone now. Shit's weird. :lol:
I knew you guys would come through on this for me, what's the deal with the tapes?! 1. I don't have a tape deck these days (and I'm not going to buy one for this box set) but 2. if it was CD or vinyl I'd be tempted ('cause it's one of my very favourite bands, and it does look awesome) ... BUT tape?? NO!!!

Don't understand the thinking behind such a deluxe kind of box set being released... on tape.

Dude, vertigo sucks big time. Hopefully it all clears up soon...
Keenan, balls. I'm due my vaccine soon too. Good. But hope it doesn't nail me for long either... but fuck it, I'll live :lol: (Or I hope so. since I survived "full blown covid" :lol: )
Love : NieR Replicant's remaster. Having only ever played Automata, seeing all the things that game hints at actually play out in front of me in this one is pretty crazy. Halfway through route B right now.
Hate : Last few days at work have been shit.
Love: Four more working days until I am off for the summer.

Hate: Have been struggling to find a job at a new school for the fall. My supervisors from my last school wrote me amazing reference letters and I have had 3 interviews all at good to great high schools. The first school I am sure wasn't going to hire me based off the questions they asked. I thought I had the job from the second interview, a charter school. They asked me to provide numbers for my references, which I did the next morning, and as far as I know, the school never followed up. Sent them an email earlier in the week thanking them for the interview and again expressing interest but have not heard back. The interview I had this week went well, the administrator even told me that I gave an excellent interview, but then he said sometimes people don't get chosen because they are not the right puzzle piece at this time. I think he realized I am a great teacher, but fuck, they already knew who they were going to hire. Feeling a little dejected at the moment, but know I don't want to be back at my school in the fall. Fuck it, maybe it is time to give up the profession and join the fucking peace corps.
^ Yeah, what a shitty situation... I'm sure the right position for you will present itself soon though. But I can imagine just how disheartening it must be to go through the whole process... sending positive vibes across the Atlantic!!

Hate: I've been using a Samsung 7" tablet as my smartphone for years (nice big screen, big SD card to fit lots of music on, whatsapp and work email and stuff via wifi - which I almost always have access to, and it just fits in my pocket perfectly) ... over the weekend it's died and I can't find another decent replacement... so for the first time EVER I'm going to go out today and get myself a (big) smartphone... but I have NO IDEA about phones :lol:

Lets see what I end up with... Ideally would like another Samsung device, with big screen, an SD slot, and a headphone jack... but lets see...

(Basically I don't give a fuck about the camera, I just want a big ass walkman which I can use whatsapp and email for work on haha)
Hang in there Dark! Did you get Pfizer? Moderna? J and J?

Love: Might have actually gotten a new job- waiting on the official offer.

Hate: Not all that much-just have to run out the clock on the last two days of work before 75 days of summer vacation.