(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love: Spring break next week!
Hate: The week after I return to work and students show up for hybrid learning. Spoke with my union rep on Thursday and detailed my concerns about attending staff meetings for hours with fools who aren't taking mask wearing or covid seriously. He said he would contact the Superintendent so I am hoping that they shut that shit down or at least make attendance in person voluntary.
Yeah, fingers crossed man. I've been back at work 2 days a week (Fri-Sat) for a month or so and even though my place of work is outside the market has passed a by-law enforcing mandatory mask wearing.

Love: 5 days off a week still :lol: going to be 20 degrees here tomorrow, Spring / Summer is round the corner...! Also coincides with regulations easing in the sense from that this week people can meet in groups of 6 (outside).

Hate: Nothing right now... although I managed to smash a glass from my bed this morning so I had a rude awakening. But early mornings on days off are kind of bitter sweet for me.
^ I also have a vacation coming up on Thursday. Pretty excited. It's my first one since the whole quaratine thing last year.

Love : Cyberpunk had a MASSIVE patch today. This led me to install it on my PS5. Don't know if it's the patch, the new system or both, but... GOD DAMN. IT RUNS LIKE A DREAM.
Hate : How short staffed we were at work today. Shit was crazy.
Hate : How short staffed we were at work today. Shit was crazy.

I feel ya. Last ("good") Friday and Saturday were mad for me. After 7 or so years of doing it I still find it amazing how long people will queue for a cup of coffee :lol:

Love: 2-3 day working weeks. Call me lazy (I totally am when I'm not working) but I love it. Day drinking beer and listening to music is my plan today. Going to make some burgers later - living the dream.

Hate: how I'm so content with having absolutely no life at the moment :lol: ...I blame covid / lockdown
Love : Replaying Cyberpunk 2077. Game is still great despite some lingering issues.
Hate : Made dinner last night (I don't cook often) and it was mediocre at best. DISAPPOINT.
Love: Have the day off.
Hate: Used another sick day to avoid attending another in person staff meeting. The admin at my school have planned in person staff meetings for every Wednesday for the rest of the school year. Even on the last Wednesday of the year. I can't believe the principal is getting away with not wearing a mask during meetings and allowing teachers to take their masks off while in class. I need to find a new gig for next year.
Hate: An incredible amount of cabin fever from staying home while watching cases in Ontario reach near 5000 daily (1100 in Toronto and sub 1000 in a neighboring region). Vaccination sign ups for 18+ are a shitshow, and when explained by the premier he said it was on the hospitals to co-ordinate, not the government - which we all took as him trying to pass the blame off cuz the crack head would rather play dumb like the fuckin crook he is.
Love: Arsenal smacked Slavia Praha 4-0, Saka and Emile Smith Rowe are bonkers together.
Love : Watching Wrestlemania over the weekend was great. Show was great. Seeing them perform in front of a live crowd again was really emotional.
Hate : As per usual, a few days after the big event comes a culling of the main roster. Like last year, this mass release was HUGE. So many people got let go.
Love: Pretty much nothing right now

Fucking hate: The guy I live with is moving out (16 months into our 36 month contract), which means I need to either find someone I know to take his place (which won't be easy as it's an expensive flat and, who the fuck wants to move house?!) ...live with a complete stranger, or move myself. Which would be the 3rd time I've had to move in 2 years. Fucking ballache.
Like: Small preview dropped for Evile's new single for The Thing. Full version on Apr 27 which is pretty close to the release date but still.
Like/Hate: I've had nothing to work on this entire week. Considering I'm WFH, it feels like I'm getting paid to do NOTHING and it makes me a little unsettled.
Hate: The ESL drama, made way too much tzatziki and now I gotta find a way to finish it before it goes bad.

Fucking hate: The guy I live with is moving out (16 months into our 36 month contract), which means I need to either find someone I know to take his place (which won't be easy as it's an expensive flat and, who the fuck wants to move house?!) ...live with a complete stranger, or move myself. Which would be the 3rd time I've had to move in 2 years. Fucking ballache.

Those are some real shitty circumstance. Hope you manage to find a solution.
Love : Got some pretty nice stuff from Magic booster packs yesterday
Also love : Been playing Resident Evil 7 lately. Never played it before because I didn't think I'd like the switch to first-person. I was wrong. Game is great. RE8 demos have been great, too.
Hate : The new duty I brought upon myself at work, training new hires, hasn't been panning out. The people that we've hired since I started doing it have been... less than stellar. Why don't people seem to give any fucks about the place they work at anymore? The amount of coworkers I see that aren't even "there" mentally is very frustrating. Like, I train them on everything they need to know and try and instill some sort of enthusiasm in them and they all just SUCK.
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Also love : Been playing Resident Evil 7 lately. Never played it before because I didn't think I'd like the switch to first-person. I was wrong. Game is great. RE8 demos have been great, too.

Surprised you never played the demo to 7 when it was coming out to see if you liked it. I absolutely love 7 and I’m so excited for Village

love: got my crazy new computer since the last time I posted in here and I love it, also got my first vaccine shot today (got the Moderna one)

hate: I’m so so so so sleepy, and annoyed that my evile vinyl probably won’t show up on release day like I was saying in the other thread.
That sucks, Keenan.

Love: About 3/4 of the way through my paper for the online history class I am taking. Applied for a few positions at other schools. Fingers crossed one of them gives me an interview so I can get the hell out of the school I am at. New Evile in a few days. Get to work virtually from home tomorrow because we have training and the trainers are only doing online training.
Hate: Things have gone from bad to worse at work; they announced last week that History teachers now have to develop and teach 2 elective classes next year. Fuck that shit.
Those are some real shitty circumstance. Hope you manage to find a solution.

Cheers man. Had a little more light shed on the situation now. My flatmate was under the impression he could just give his two months notice and leave - but that doesn't seem to be the case.

As far as I can see a replacement tenant needs to be found before he can do so. Also, there will be settlement costs incurred at the end of the process as a result of his breach of contract... Referencing of replacement tenant (£23.94 per reference), undertaking an inspection at the point of early termination (£58.80), creation of a new tenancy agreement (£274.80), the cost of re-registration of the deposit via the deposit scheme (£36) etc ...this list and costs is apparently not exhaustive. So, hopefully this either puts him off moving (it would me, sounds like far too much work!! :lol:) until the contract can be ended in 6-7 months or whatever or I guess at least I'm not gonna be stuck trying to find someone to move in!! :lol: Sucks for him, but I guess for me none of those costs will be my problem! :lol:

Hate : The new duty I brought upon myself at work, training new hires, hasn't been panning out. The people that we've hired since I started doing it have been... less than stellar. Why don't people seem to give any fucks about the place they work at anymore? The amount of coworkers I see that aren't even "there" mentally is very frustrating. Like, I train them on everything they need to know and try and instill some sort of enthusiasm in them and they all just SUCK.

That blows. Just can't get the staff these days can ya?! :lol:
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Love: New Evile album!

Hate: My pre-order won't arrive until Monday. Just received a message from the principal stating that an individual at my school has tested positive for Covid. Makes me feel vindicated for taking days off when there have been in person staff meetings. Fuck those people who aren't taking this seriously.
Hate: All the shit going around this fucked up world right now. Iam so fed up by all the lies and the bullshit everyday.
You can't go anywhere anymore (here in germany) because you're under total control with this Covid Bullshit.
I normally don't post stuff like that here because i don't want to sound like a Psycho but it's really getting to a point that really annoys
me beyond what iam normally capable of.

Love: New Evile songs I've listened to a few days ago and I really enjoyed Gore and The Thing. Iam really very excited to listen
to the whole album in full.
^I know your pain. This past year and a half have been pretty shit. We're (hopefully, but I doubt it) getting near the end of the pandemic over here in the US finally. Not sure how other countries are doing, though. Aside from India, that is. They seem to be getting hit pretty hard over there right now. :(

Love : New Pokemon Snap is fun. Very chilled out and relaxing game.
Hate : Being disppointed. :(
Love: Hell Unleashed is starting to sink in with me now. 3rd week back playing football tonight, looking forward to it.

Hate: My copy still hasn't arrived (beginning to think I might not've paid for the 'fast' shipping...). Getting old, and during lockdown wasn't using my 'football' muscles so I've kind of accumulated a few little strains these past couple of weeks. That and as a goalkeeper I'm kind of carrying a few bruises from the last couple of weeks too. Playing on hard ground sucks!
Love: three weeks until summer vacation! Just finished a six week workout program, in the best shape I have been in years!

Hate: The heat is coming to vegas! Applied for a few new jobs but haven't heard back yet.
Love: Hell Unleashed is starting to sink in with me now. 3rd week back playing football tonight, looking forward to it.

Hate: My copy still hasn't arrived (beginning to think I might not've paid for the 'fast' shipping...). Getting old, and during lockdown wasn't using my 'football' muscles so I've kind of accumulated a few little strains these past couple of weeks. That and as a goalkeeper I'm kind of carrying a few bruises from the last couple of weeks too. Playing on hard ground sucks!

Find some good full body yoga type stretches to do. The workout program I just finished had a stretches day each week that I found extremely useful.